watching Volver a few days ago felt very surreal. It was as if the women were living in a parallel universe, and I was sucked into the enclosed lives of these 5 women. Everything on the outside was like a dream: rich colours, ravishing beauty, getting away with murder. Yet on the inside, it's everyone's battle.
Penelope Cruz has never looked better, or acted better. I'm glad she's not with Tom Cruise now. this is my favourite scene, Raimunda singing.pity this version does not have subtitles. go watch the movie for it.
after a hectic week, i had a much overdue meetup with...
Simon Low Meng Hum
Tsian Yang
Chong Han
pics are taken with my new phone =)
it was a really short meetup, just Carl's Junior (my first) and a slow walk back to the mrt. on the ride back, out of the blue, TY commented that he hasnt been to lailiqi's house for a long time. i quickly searched my database, trying to recall how Lai's house looked like. i was reminded of mahjong, ps2, and his dog. somewhere along the line, things changed and people started playin DOTA instead.
i miss hanging out at friend's places, just chilling and doing nothingness, eat,drink,sleep. arent we suppose to do that now? instead of twenty years later?
i guess people do change. it's scary, cos one day i might become a totally different person, and you most probably wouldnt know it.
i'll keep volver in my to-watch list. :)
haha..kewl! it's not one of those inyaface/mindfuck/uproarious/inspirational movie, but jus a simple and subtle one. i hope u like it thou. hee. =)
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