Razif my fellow music guru/Friends fanatic. he rewatched season 1 thru 10 4 times already. C.R.A.Z.Y.
Rismin the happily married.
Fuzzy monkey Shirleen, soon to be engaged.
for the first time in a long while, i did some shopping! yeah! i mean, actual clothes shopping. i dun usually buy garments unless it's the CNY or there's an occasion. this yr i feel like contributing to the Great Singapore Sale target of dunnohowmuch million, before the silly GST hike spoils the fun of shopping (no matter how some say the effect is minimal).
so i bought two flesh imp shirts for $35. wanted to get a pair of shades to go along, but restrained.
so i chilled in town while waiting to meet up with Shu Quin Siying and Chailing. I haven seen them in AGES! I really miss hanging out with them; i dunno any other way to put it. just very refreshing. siying i haven seen for almost two years. it's crazy. two weeks ago she suddenly sms me and told me she misses me after reading her Friendster Testis. awwwww. so we met up. Chailing i also have not seen in eons. and it was always nice to sit and chat with shu and quin. the girls wld talk TONS about relationshiprelationshiprelationship and i'll just tag along. women and their conversations can be very random(as Siying realised) and very funny, esp these few friends of mine.
i'll miss them till the next time i see them.
Shi-lar-ker Shoe
and yes, i've pulled a Britney-prelude and chopped off my bangs. gave it a fresh new colour too. it's time for a change.
so sad... i want my pics to be taken too! roars!
and shirleen is getting engaged?!?!
your hair is nice! haha
btw want to watch zodiac next sunday?
to quin -> ya she gettin married next yr. who ask u to leave so early! no pic for u! haha
to Nic -> i read great reviews for Zodiac. ya sure. i tink i free. hee. confirm at a later date k?
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