Since last year, i've been commemorating this special occasion by donning this:
A tad silly, i know.(both the act and the pic) Anything goes for Idol!
And once again i have TallOne Jennifer Law to thank for giving me this wonderful piece of fabric. despite the increased tightness from last year(the garment must have shrunk. or, gasp gasp, i have gone F.A.T) and my favourite contestant's premature departure, i am still gonna wear this shirt tml to my workplace. If so much as a thought was sparked, better still if a conversation was ignited on who would win/anything Melinda related, it would have served more than its purpose.
Tomorrow. Part 1 of a beautiful departure. expect lots of surprises, idol fanatics alight: surprise guest appearances yet to be revealed, finalists' winning single which i read proved to be uplifting, Blake's tricks up his sleeves, Jordin's outfit changes(sorri if i'm paying attention to that more than the performance), Melinda's singing outbeatting everyone else's, and of cos, SANJAYA'S HAIR.
and for the fun of it,at the risk of sounding bold, i'm predicting guest appearances from: Tina Turner, Cameron Diaz, Mike Myers, Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Clarkson (i hope she pitches her new song!), Carrie Underwood, and, horrors to horrors, TAYLOR HICKS.
Blake vs. Jordin. it doesnt really matter anymore, since the best singers are already out. I see a great career for the winner, and a not-so-glamorous one for the runner-up. if u're an idol fanatic like me, i'm sure u'd have known by now who'd win. Nonetheless. i'll be watching it as a fan of the franchise,and as an unconventional-Blake supporter. Not as a supporter of the best singer thou. well, maybe that will apply on Thursday.
Pardon the biasness.

i'm finally starting to read your AI blogs. they are always soooooooooo longgggggg.
anyhow, out of the list you recommended, i think i like Nutbush City Limits best.
the rest are just a tad too slow for my liking :)
i am in awe! u really meant what u said and u watched Melinda!!!
she's got other fast numbers, but i adore her ballads more. and they really showcase her talent. SINCE U BEEN GONE is an upbeat number also did u see? and I'M A WOMAN. all very catchy. =)
cmon dun be edgy. try them again! hahahah
okay. i have to say that the happy valentine wasnt that bad.
i'll try since you've been gone now, guess i missed that out last night.
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