It has to happen.
What's American Idol without some shock value.
But even I did not see this coming. after last week(which i thought was a make-or-break), Lakisha was sent home to the relief of Jordin/Blake/Melinda fans. but after that result show, i had a hunch that the worst might not be over. Because this is, if memories serves me well, one of the tightest top 3 we've ever had. so it hit me hard that this week is the real deal - the truely make-or-break.
I sld have seen it coming, because if the Melinda had been the one the judges want to win this season, she'd definitely have received much pimping from them, like what Jordin received.
I sld have seen it coming, because Melinda finally broke out of her shell and surprised with three stunning showstoppers that, i dare say, was better than the other 6 songs BJ sang. i didnt see that mic-stand-ascending coming at all. and the leg-stance she pulled after that. it's got to be the best pose all season. personally she also brought a newfound sensitivity to Whitney's I Believe In You and Me. i was so hooked i almost believed the song, and almost cried. it was so well-phrased.
I sld see it coming because no one expected it. Yahoo critic has jinxed it by saying she can never go home. and everyone loves a dramatic irony. what else can i say.
in a way, Melinda needed this more than anyone, ironically. at 29, her marketability pales in comparison to Jordin's wide grin and Blake's beat-boxing. a win wld do for her what it did for Fantasia, and probably more: worldwide recognition and push factors. people keep saying that she'll make it no matter what. but truth is, based on track record, which 2nd-runner up has actually made it huge? Elliot Yamin didnt cause as much a stir, and he wasnt even signed by Clive Davis. Kimberley Locke didnt become the 8th world wonder. and who else are second runners-up can u remember?
back to yesterday's show. i can say she gave 3 of her best performances. personally i was kept entertained and excited. after two uptempo numbers from JB (Wishing on star and Roxanne), Melinda's whitney number gave a tasty smooth low key vibe that got everybody listening. Whitney is a huge deal, so everyone was payin attention to see if the 'resident pro' can screw anything up. of course she didnt, so round 1 was hers. for round 2 the producers cant pick a better song for anyone else. Nutbush City Limits nailed her Tina Turner vibe to a T, and was IMO her breakthru. she had gumption, similar to Tina. Jordin doesnt looked like she was workin hard for the money. that was IMO worst of the night. it looks like she wasnt even tryin to impress. Blake's This Love is of cos a teenage-hooker meant for the votes. round 3 J and M sang songs they've done b4. while J's re-sing grew dull without the first-time surprise, M's re-sing had style and sass in ways different from the first time we see her perform that song. and backin vocals dressed like tarts. gosh the producers truely wants an ultra dramatic irony of an exit huh. Blake was charming as usual, but his routine gets tiresome after a while.
personally, all 3 rounds went to M. and i trust myself to say this because i do not think i am biased.
Phuimun sms-ed me: "wow! i got my wish for who was out!"
thinkin that she cant possibly mean Melinda, i was shocked when she told me that's what the blogs have been saying. i was shell-shocked. it's like the worst sense of deja vu, like ya worst nightmare, and even buyin toto had never proved luckier. that was in the afternoon.
and in assertion that Melinda's exit was earth-shattering, my dear friend Mr A Murali smsed me for the first time since ORD to tell me he's sad cos Melinda is out, and he's not watching the finale. now that is a real shocker because:
a) Murali READS, he dun sms. serious.
b) Murali hasnt contacted me or anyone AT ALL in 1 yr(mayb except Bob for some D&D game) and the first thing he said was about Idol.
c) He knew i like Melinda when i didnt even tell him.
so i sms Seng to tell him another lottery-derserving twist of fate.
so thruout i was really just affected by it. but none prepared me for QJ's tribute on his blog that really got me heartbroken. it was so surreal, like it hit me for the first time.
so after sadness comes anger.
i've yet to catch the result show. but i dun think it matters much now. there goes my chances of seeing melinda wear a lovely gown. or hearing an earth-shattering ballad that proves again that she can blow things out of the box anytime. or seeing her on the cover of Straits Times. or hear her version of the winning song.
now i only have her MP3 to live for.
i can only hope the finale song is terrible beyond hope.
Seriously, i see no value in this conspiracy/plot twist, if this is one.
a friend said "so your day's bad because of american idol? dude, grow up =)"
i replied "rite".
QJ said he hates ppl who dun understand the meaning of passion.
i can only say, as silly as this might sound, that if u do not understand the effects of this, u truely do not understand me.
and i dun feel sorry for "not growing up".
pls pardon the Jordin /Blake bashing. it was not done in spite. but i truely feel this way about them. in my heart, it was a rip-off, a sad consequence of not voting for who u like, or who sings better. it jus pains and sickens me.
first thing tml night is to sleep past 6.30am. i've been doing trails + MJ for 4 consecutive days and it's takin a toil on me. i need a rest. from everything.

i think a final farewell deserves an exceptional photo. goodbye Melinda.
I'm still feeling very sad over her departure really.. Haha.. And guess what.. ur departure photo was what I wanted to put but i decided on the other one to show pp her smile is sincere and not fake...
i KNOW it's sincere. and this pic cant be missed. its glorious.
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