Saturday, September 02, 2006

it's the weekend! so chill!

I received a call from Vijay about 2 hours ago...

I had butterflies in my stomach immediately. gasp gasp. I have been caught up with my school work and MJ that Prom has been idling alone at the back of my head. Now is the time to get to work and find space on my wall to pin up that huge mahjong paper. I need to assemble a TOP NOTCH team asap. I need to start making calls and meeting people. CSSSCA!! please don't run away from me.....stand beside me!
On a brighter note, IT'S THE WEEKEND!!! I cannot explain how estactic and relieved I felt after handing in those assignments. I swear never to wait until the last minute cause rushing and travelling's a bitch. I love snail mail.
On an even brighter note, I'm looking forward to Dr Chew's lecture every alternate week. Every week, I get a truckload of Chew-bites. Her political humour and eccentricities are just so farnieeeee. Her wisdom and observations so true. I shall make it a point to quote her as much as I can here.
here's this week's Chew-bites:
- "If you want good service, you better speak the best English."
- "My niece was very trendy, and I was surprised she wanted to be a teacher. "
- "'Cause u know why? teaching is the best way to get PR."
- "Boys don't speak correctly. They purposely use bad words so that they are more masculine."
- "so don't call them crippled la. any physical deform just pretend you never realise it."
- "sum-ple" (sample)
- "dart-tar" (data)
might not sound funny when read here. You've got to see for yourself perhaps.
and from my dart-tar, here's some words that display political correctness:
avoid terms which smacks of racism, ageism, sexism, ethnicism, creedism, physicalism.
cripple - physically challenged
refugee - internally displaced person
Association for Educationally sub-normal children - Association for people with special needs.
Blacks - African - American
Chairman- Chairperson (genderism)
Fireman - Firefighter
broken home - dysfunctional family
bum - homeless person
short person - vertically challenged
ghetto - economically challenged area
mad - mental illness
Jane Devan writes an open letter to SIM(Singapore International Media) on accents over radio and tv.
"Dear Sir,
I wish to inform you that I have ceased listening to 90.5FM. The last straw was one of your announcers reporting a traffic jam at Care-lang. If you have difficulty, sir, guessing where Care-lang is, you will understand my fury. (Care-lang is what you and I have known all our lives as Kallang.)
This was not an isolated incident. Fifteen minutes before I learnt of the traffic accident at Care-lang, I discovered our Ambassador to the United States was Mr S. R. Nay-then (Nathan). And about a month ago, I was told that China's paramount leader was Mr Dank Shopping (Deng Xiaoping)."
(The Straits Times, 21 October 1994)
Ironic how we always assume that the grass is always greener on the other side eh.
On the brightest note...
I'm amazed I've listened to 林忆莲's 本色 album for about 15 times through over the past 4 days. I am really looking forward to 9th December 2006.It will be 夜色无边 and a magical night for me I am sure. I am all psyched up. I am sure I'll be able to remember all the songs by then at the rate I'm going. =)=)=)
gorgeous pictures from her brand new album. =)

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