Friday, September 29, 2006

- Joan of Arcadia 2.15: Romancing The Joan Girardi

Little Girl God - And they all lived happily ever after. There's a surprise. You guys really like that ending.
Joan - Yeah, well, you have a better one?
God - They all moved towards spiritual growth and enlightenment? Joan - Yeah. That's gonna work with the kids.
God - Ever notice that the guy always has to risk his life and the girl is nearly dead when he finds her? It takes a kiss to wake her up, and they ride off together. It's a nice metaphor.
Joan - For what?
God - Death and resurrection.
Joan - Yeah, well, that's a fun party game. ?
God - It happens all the time. The illusion dies so that something deeper can take its place.
Joan - Are you saying that... Adam and I are an illusion?
God - Romance serves a purpose. It's a meditative state. It puts logic to sleep so that people can come together. Otherwise, you guys probably wouldn't risk it.
Joan - Why did you have to make love so complicated? I mean... couldn't that one thing have been easy?
God - Love is big. It's a bright light in the universe. And a bright light casts a big shadow. So what do you want to do, Joan?
Joan - How am I supposed to know?
God - By looking at it. Real love is hard work. You have to decide if you want it in your story. Or...if you'd rather just stay in the dream.

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