Thursday, September 14, 2006

isnt this exciting or wat?!?!?!?!

it's been a rough day. but Clara cracked me up so hard when i read this email reply she sent me:

Q: wat's the present president's name and contact number, cos i might need her help. the vice-president's contacts might be good also if u have it.

A: eee.. i think you better be careful of the new excos. i heard they do not like the president and are planning to overthrow her. i know overthrow is a big word, haha, but it's true. they said it.
anyway, president is li***** and her numbers are ******** and ********.
vice president is jo***n and her number is ********.
heard the two of them were quarrelling over liz****'s ex (al****) who is also in the exco. isn't this batch exciting? hahaha!

Clara is officially the funniest 16 yr old i know. period.

and in lec today, some Chew-bites:

"Einstein didnt comb his hair and didnt lose his job. so wat does it say? genius no need to comb hair lar."

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