I'm suffering from post-Everwood withdrawal. I didnt know last week's episode was the season finale. And guess what's replaced it now?
that show's so long-lasting it's becoming the Primetime Days of Our Lives. I've seen Jessica Beil grow up and become an air-babe in Stealth, Barry Watson grow up into Boogeyman, and witnessed the immortality of Happy (as "Happy"), as perhaps one of the longest-living dogs (or dog-character) in showbusiness. Now, if only some of my favourite (and way better) shows were that die-hard. Perhaps I'm a jinx to the shows I like.
Today I received an sms from Clara, to thunderous shock. The prom nominee voting slips were all gone, the box is falling apart, and the cloth is torn! I tried to reply her, but my messages just kept failing me. SO i tried sms-ing Mary, which didnt get through as well. so i thought must be some problem with the server or something. so i waited. still cannot. sms another person. IT WORKED. hinthint i'm NOT destined to study in peace. Then Clara called to tell me there's this guy from this class who took all the voting slips (cos he's DYING to be prom king), squeezed his fat hands into the box (to take out votes for others), and damaged my delicately wrapped-in-gold cloth! MADNESS.
so i had to go back to school (cos no one was free enough.) and settle this kinda shithead la. when i got there this Malay kept lookin at me. so i asked Clara if he's the guy. surprise surprise! let's just say he's DEFINITELY NOT prom king material and leave it at that. so i took the box down, looked thru the votes, and touched up the box (i can see signs of his fat hands squeezing thru the small opening). i looked thru the votes and there were 16 votes for the same person, with the same handwriting, with the same anonymous format. like, how silly can one person get larrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. urgh.
now the hole's so tiny u can only slip papers inside. and i left a deft note, with these line:
-"tampering with the nomination box/ putting your hands into the hole is definitely not an act of a prom king or queen. spies are watching"
- "anonymous nominations will be disqualified straightaway."
now i fear for Clara's life, for he might know that she's the spy and just kill her in order to be prom king. gosh, wat if he turned up in a fisherman outfit with a hook and decides to kill the prom queen/king after spilling dog blood over their heads?!?!
too drama. i watch too many b flicks. but then, it's hollywood-cinema breakout! for goodness sake! anything can happen!
i might just come with a mini afro to match my VOTE FOR PEDRO t-shirt, ala Napoleon Dynamite.
and i saw you in someone today. what a small world huh.
and all i can do was implode a Death sigh.
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