Tuesday, October 31, 2006
everytime she starts, it's over something trivial. but such minute details usually spawn out of something more serious behind the scenes. this time it was over him giving her a gradually-decreasing house allowance. i do not know what happened. but tonight, it started with me taking my shoes after only i stepped into the house. she wants me to take off my shoe outside, and not dirty the door area, when it's barely 3 steps away from the gate and not as if my shoes were caught in poo. i thought it was a complete made-out-of-a-molehill situation, and it's already become such a habit for me to take off shoes indoors. like always, she made a huge deal out of it and it all goes back to the same problems that happened before, agin and again. it's always about cooking food. always about how she cares because she cooks. everything is measured in food terms, but it's completely untrue and ironic, given i jus bought 3 chicken pies 2 days ago and i onli ate 1 while the other 2 mysteriously disappeared.
everytime something like this happens, i told myself that i shall not rely on anyone within these 4 walls anymore. thou i still do, but gradually, i feel like i'm breaking away. i told myself that talkin back is pointless because she will never admit to any fault on her part. to her, a mistake is always one sided. but on days when i get heated up fast, a glorious argument will occur. i told myself that i do not need to rely on anyone to survive. out of a sense of rebel, i became fiercely individual. what have they done for me lately? i'm fighting my own battles this yr. and even many years before this. i never had any emotional support from them, cept mayb slightly from my sis. i wash my own clothes, i eat most of my meals outside nowadays. i found ways to pay for my sch fees, i pay for my own transport. only thing they're payin for now is my phone bill (which i will take over soon i suppose) and the electrical bills. my aircon's not working so i dun consume that much electricity as before, and i am barely home during the day.
how difficult is it for someone to change? everything is always our fault in her eyes. it's never her fault. she's too proud to admit. and i was deemed the rebel of the family. it dawned on me that after all these quarrels over the years, she never really thought about whether anything was her fault at all. she's always the hero. she blames me for not telling her things in my life. but we never really had that relationship to start with. and throughout the years, i realised that telling her wat i'm doin is never a good idea. i cant tell her i have council meetings back then, because she will surely disapprove, and an endless merry-go-round argument will ensue. gradually, i became defensive. why doesnt one re-evaluate?
i told my sis that from now on if she's told to ask me if i want dinner, just tell her straight that i do not want it at all. no need to sms me. no need to call. as much as i like her cookin, it's been giving her an excuse to use it back at me as well. unless she cooks without askin me, then i will finish it just to not waste food.
i know that it can never be one party's fault. perhaps one fine day all these anamosity will disappear. perhaps that day will come when i move out and live on my own. that idea is really growing fast in my head. everyday it jus seem more and more like something i should do. or perhaps that day will come when someone pass on.
and after today's gathering with my slackin trio and hazi, i realise, once again, that i need to live more for myself.
this is my outlet. dun take pity on me. because that is the last thing i want.
i'm really tired...
upgrade you
and K T Tunstall did a cover of Beck's Golden Age. lovely still.
my top 3 tracks @ MJ:
-F.I.R - Get High -----> ALWAYS gets me high.
-Beyonce - upgrade you ------> 3 times per day. feel very upgraded everytime.
- Paris - turn it up -----> like, so HOT. so long ago but heck.
i got my PongNan cds 2 days ago. whoopee. the second album is on replay. i've yet to rave much bout it. in due time perhaps.
and i'm rediscovering at17 and Leo Ku. The Best Is Yet To Come sounds v v timeless. i wana have Leo's hair n voice (!!!).
i'm so drowning myself in music+movies+books come end Nov. i'm promising myself that.
Monday, October 30, 2006
you almost finished a carton of multigrain milk in 1 night.
you're so tired u sld go to sleep.
you sld get ya act together and study hard for the comin exams.
you're listening to sad songs on replay again.
you spent 9-4 sitting at Mac ya butt feels like dough even now.
you are paranoid.
you are clueless.
and you are missing someone to death, even when u're not suppose to.
林一峰 - 一支烟的时间
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
"YiHua will be a smiley old man" - QJ, i highly doubt that. i tink there's researches bout these sayin tt we actually smile less when we age (which i tot was very real). unless i become senile or crazy, if not i'll prob be a stereotypical "grumpy-old-man" whom ppl perceive as a "old-colour-wolf." and i think Alzheimers is the worst disease anyone can get.
"the most effective learning takes place in a far-from-equilibrium state" - Dr Chew
-i told myself earlier that i'm never going to feel sorri for myself again. but i fear the day will come when the lines between being confident and being smug/condescending/self-righteous/indestructable will fade and i become the largest jackass in the universe. that's a scary thought, especially when i think it's always both parties' fault whenever a mistake occurs. in the situations that've happened so far this past week, i dun think i've done anything wrong. everything was out of goodwill. i guess my biggest weakness lies in being too eager to please, and my constant silliness at wanting to poke into people's business. no wonder my mum use to tell me i like to do 'kaypo'; helping out in sch, stayin back for meetings, etc.
- today, i wondered what it would have been if i were filthy rich. like bath in birds nest kinda rich. alot of things wld have been so much easier. it'd be easier to be cool, cos u have cash aplenty to spend on clothes+accessories+the latest gadgets. u can also feel good about yourself by goin under the knife to restructure anything at all given the technological advances today. you can plant trees and save the island from the worsening effect of the haze. u can adopt a village of African kid AND be on the headlines. and if all these wld make u happy, am i right to say that money can indeed buy happiness? and if i suffer from cancer or Alzheimers, i can donate all of it away, and other people can get their fragments of happiness.
- i dun think i will ever "make it big" one day, if the perception is to have tons of cash, drive a car, have a flight of staircase within ya 4 walls, become a pop star. i'll be one of those kids the immensely rich n proud might snub. i'll be a mini-me in their opinion. but then comes the qns: are the richies hardworking and the poor lazy? or is it Lady Luck's undoing?
-i sound very dollar-oriented today. but i do not have a huge desire for it yet. i just find it alot easier if you can have what u need. true u might not appreciate the hardwork and have that kind of satisfaction to finally achieve what u want. but think of all that u can get instead. and if that kind of extravagance can outweigh the supposed 'satisfaction', den which is beta?
-yes i wana be rich. not bath-in-sharks-fin kinda rich. jus rich within my own world. to be able to live a humble life. able to get my meals and feed my dogs. to get the latest faye wong cd instantly without havein to save. to not feel a pinch when buying a $50 original The Hours poster but feel pain when buying a Volkswagon.
- i feel sad for the guy tt jumped off the tracks.
- i need to exercise liao now tt the haze is gone and i have no more excuses.
- wa lau u luk damn familiar in those glasses i almost fainted.
- i'm told by Dr Chew that we sld all say THANK YOU at everything. when sitting for an exam and given the papers, exhault THANK YOU. for the challenge! for the chance to improve! for the chance to practice and become perfect! THANK YOU!
- how empowering. therefore, THANK YOU!!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
i detest the new design, but i cant tell u how much i hated it cos we're askin u a favour. such an irony, how wat we discussed didnt finalise and u're talkin bout "givin us wat we want".
the more i look at it, the more i feel like it's all's goin downhill from here. i jus heard postcard printing will cost a bomb.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
my job's to be a station master and tell the kids to measure the vertical height of this pole at the outdoor theatre. i got paired with another first timer, and he didnt even attend any briefing at all!( i had a very quick one the night b4 by dear ChingYee) So i did most of the briefing to the kids. and i was put at an outdoor station. first timer leh......
so anyway i made do and did my thing. sweating like a pig but it was kinda fun working with the kids they'll call me 'cher, cher'. some rude ones tried to outspeak me, but they're jus too short to win. but kids nowadays.....gone are the days of the studious pants-wore-high nerds. welcome the age of the fashionista. i saw one nose piercing. a billionth ear piercing from the guys, tons of shirts tucked out, herds of ah-lian cliques. and they're just a bunch of sec 1s. kids. sigh.
not that i have strong distaste against any of that. i'm open minded. jus that times have changed.
but there's of cos the smarties that everyone likes, and the tongue-in-cheek cuties that i just wana pinch. no paedophilic innuendos intended.
then i had lunch with 2 of the seniors, who said i look like another senior who left for Sweden to furthur studies. and i was shocked at how striking i resembled him, vice versa. haha...but i only saw a side-view pic from her lappie. why do i have so many lookalikes?!
i finally fulfilled my study-at-esplanade-lib resolution. no perfect sea view cos the nice seats were taken. and there's that sun-screen. but it was nice to see everything thru the sunscreen as well. i'm amazed at how fruitful the session was, and i realised quick 15 mins nappies can do wonders. after a nap i'll be fully charged. weird.
den i took a few pics, went Shaw Towers lookin for pong nan cd, reserved 2, went for studies, and am zonked out now. body ache. a bad sign of fatigue. i tink i'm gettin old. and rusty. in serious need of some motivation and discipline.
exams comin...and my prom schedule has been shelved for a couple of days and i've gotta update the big shots come sat. workin tml....blablabla. enough ramblings for the day.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The 'Four' Tag
so here's something random.
i'm tagged by 'Susan' Tan (notice my newfound kindness with the ' ' ). so here goesssss.....
Four things not many people know about me:
1) my nicknames in Signal Institute are Ewa (Jeff) & yee-har! (Tan Guang Hong).
2) I smell my rice before i eat it.
3) I can finish 1 litre of milk over two nights.
4) i. burp. alot.
Four movies I could watch over and over:
1) The Hours
2) Napoleon Dynamite. duh.
3) Fight Club
4) The Incredibles
Four places I've lived / visited:
1) Singapore
2) Thailand
3) Hawaii
4) Hong Kong
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1) Felicity (four only?!?!?! what depravation)
2) Gilmore Girls
3) Everwood
4) Project Runway
5) American Idol
6) Lost
7) Alias
Four of my favourite foods:
1) Nasi Lemak
2) Chippy fish&chip
3) Full House milk tea
4) Gelare waffles + ice cream
Four places I would rather be:
1) New York
2) London
3) CSS
4) somebody's arms
Four favourtie songs:
1) Foolish Games - Jewel
2) Across the Universe - Fiona Apple
3) 一支煙的時間 - 林一峰 (Chet Lam)
4) 垃圾 - 盧巧音
5) Blue - Joni Mitchell
Four person I tag:
1) YY
2) dustbin (dun be cool. DO THIS! ya blog is gatherin cobwebs)
3) Justin
4) Kwek (if u're still reading)
i had Sandy to spaghetti dinner, Stef Sun to work, and now Faye Wong to inspire.
perhaps it's cos no one was at home when i started. and when i start watching, no one can stop me. not even my sister's incessantly annoying tantrum to wana watch Ellen Pompeo whine in Grey's Anatomy.
i feel ashamed. largely because i havent listen to Faye in a loong time. slightly because i cant keep my eyes off the tv to concentrate on work when it's playing.
I love the way her voice is so multi-faceted, so multi-dimensional. so ethereal, so crisp. and her phrasing.
I love how she closes her eyes when she sings.
I love how she doesnt sell-out. The concert had absolutely no dancers. it's just the Voice and the stage designs. with occasional scene stealers from the costume changes and the musicians.
I love the arrangements. it made the songs sound brand new. Zhang Ya Dong is terrific.
I love the outfits. especially the second half white half-off-shoulder dress with the corset and callous hair.
I love the white piano. and the piano player.
I love the eye makeup which stayed thruout the show, with slight changes (like outlines) between outfit changes.
I love how uncompromising it is. people who dun like her wont. those who do like her will forever be converted.
I love how my dad is sitting quietly to enjoy it. total immersion and not slumber music fest i hope. Cold War now.
I hate how i have to wait at least another 3 years before i can see her live again. I shall save up enough to go HK to catch it. den another round in Spore.
for now, i shall look forward to 9 DEC. I shant go on about Sandy. all i can say is that Voice can sing anything and my heart will just drop and wither away.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Artist: John Hiatt
Album: Bring The Family
Title: Have A Little Faith In Me
Saturday, October 14, 2006
林忆莲 - 不敢奢想改变你
amusement prom
- today Mrs Terrence (mrs T) called me and asked me if i took down the table allocation notices. students were supposed to form their table-of-10. turns out someone played a prank and tore down everything! lucky my nomination box was not destroyed. so in Clara's words, everyone rushed down to fill up right after their lessons. so exciting hor!!! so it's officially reborn tankewverymuch.
- she also told me a student in her class was so unwelcomed she had no tables to sit. so she put her name as the 11th person on 2 tables. ok tt's a bit sad, not funny. yar.
- back to the point, the 120 nomination slips i replenished on thurs at 5pm was officially gone at 4pm friday! i was in the library when aunt Jenny called me. i wonder if the same prom-king-wannabe took all the slips and voted for HIMSELF again, despite my IMPORTANT NOTICE yesterday.
- like quite a commotion hor. gosh they're supposed to be studyin for Os man.
- while sms-chatting, C came up with a eat-meat-in-front-of-mrs-T idea. i envisioned her mouth to be dripping juice and the photo being sent to take part in our photohunt competition. but we figured nothin beats Mrs T with the caption "vegetarian", or Mrs Teo with the caption "air one".
- i wished her all the best for her AIR level and hopes she gets all AIR ONE.
- and i cant wait for C to turn up in the red tightpant suit ala Britney Spears from Oops I Did It Again. den she'll make squeaking noises when she walks!!!!!!! LOL!!! heeeeeeeeeeee. but i tink she'll pull off the fann wong in green-mini-shorts look. den she can say "wat award should i win next year arh?!"
damn i feel like i've sinned too much. pray they dun read this at all. pray.
Friday, October 13, 2006
that show's so long-lasting it's becoming the Primetime Days of Our Lives. I've seen Jessica Beil grow up and become an air-babe in Stealth, Barry Watson grow up into Boogeyman, and witnessed the immortality of Happy (as "Happy"), as perhaps one of the longest-living dogs (or dog-character) in showbusiness. Now, if only some of my favourite (and way better) shows were that die-hard. Perhaps I'm a jinx to the shows I like.
Today I received an sms from Clara, to thunderous shock. The prom nominee voting slips were all gone, the box is falling apart, and the cloth is torn! I tried to reply her, but my messages just kept failing me. SO i tried sms-ing Mary, which didnt get through as well. so i thought must be some problem with the server or something. so i waited. still cannot. sms another person. IT WORKED. hinthint i'm NOT destined to study in peace. Then Clara called to tell me there's this guy from this class who took all the voting slips (cos he's DYING to be prom king), squeezed his fat hands into the box (to take out votes for others), and damaged my delicately wrapped-in-gold cloth! MADNESS.
so i had to go back to school (cos no one was free enough.) and settle this kinda shithead la. when i got there this Malay kept lookin at me. so i asked Clara if he's the guy. surprise surprise! let's just say he's DEFINITELY NOT prom king material and leave it at that. so i took the box down, looked thru the votes, and touched up the box (i can see signs of his fat hands squeezing thru the small opening). i looked thru the votes and there were 16 votes for the same person, with the same handwriting, with the same anonymous format. like, how silly can one person get larrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. urgh.
now the hole's so tiny u can only slip papers inside. and i left a deft note, with these line:
-"tampering with the nomination box/ putting your hands into the hole is definitely not an act of a prom king or queen. spies are watching"
- "anonymous nominations will be disqualified straightaway."
now i fear for Clara's life, for he might know that she's the spy and just kill her in order to be prom king. gosh, wat if he turned up in a fisherman outfit with a hook and decides to kill the prom queen/king after spilling dog blood over their heads?!?!
too drama. i watch too many b flicks. but then, it's hollywood-cinema breakout! for goodness sake! anything can happen!
i might just come with a mini afro to match my VOTE FOR PEDRO t-shirt, ala Napoleon Dynamite.
and i saw you in someone today. what a small world huh.
and all i can do was implode a Death sigh.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
joke of the day
"Yo mama is so phat, when she walks past the tv, an entire series of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. is gone"
Sidney Bristow
Welcome back Sidney. And it breaks my heart to see your fiance die once again. Soon, we shall part with you too.
i have to move on.
i heard bout someone who went crazy and didnt speak at all after his wife died.
that's a frightful thought.
death. it's but a metaphor for all that has passed. it seems like a wild bushfire i cant tame. of relationships and ideals, of passions and health. i can only hope a phoenix rises from the ashes after.
i'm not sure if i'm makin sense.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
joke of the day
get it? go figure!
*(courtesy of Clara, the funniest 16 yr old yet to get a prize for it)*
Monday, October 09, 2006
perhaps it's the late night yesterday. I slept at 4am gosh. This morning I woke up feeling like Sleeping Beauty hoping she never got that kiss. I kept pacing between the living room sofa and my bed, before I dragged my lazy bum to the toilet to freshen up.
Prom meeting didnt turn out as bad as I thought. In fact it was quite fruitful. which also made me realise i have more areas to cover now! wow! there's paper everywhere screaming at me! and our theme is soooooo uber cool. "Hollywood - Cinema Breakout!" wah....haha....glam till u die sia. haha. which means i'll have to dress up! i wonder if there'll be people trying to look like Darth Vader claiming to be someone's father, Yoda, King Kong, or NAPOLEON DYNAMITE!!! HECK! I wana dress like ND lar! but i'll look super silly for an organiser. hahahaaahahahah.....
so the next few days will be coupled with trips to CSS and busy mugging trying to finish my TMAs on time. i havent been working so next month i'll be growing plants and eating them. where got money to stalk Sandy Lam sia?!?!?!?!!
After which I went home, took a quick shower, and went to workplace for ice-cream mooncake with colleagues. The auspicious time was 5pm because everyone will be present by then. Met up with the yao-nie Shawn again, who's tryin to get "the pirate thing' which i told him many times was called an EYEPATCH but he claims that no one would understand. ya. try looking for an EYEPATCH at "gift a name". THAT people will understand! i was practically laughin my ass off at the salesgirl's reaction!
haha. cant wait for KTV @ Deepavali. we'll sing Indian songs.
Ice cream mooncake was nice la. my house is full of mixed nuts mooncakes, which taste like puke IMO. we only had DURIAN MOONCAKES this year! terribly pathetic. it's as little as the times i spend at home nowadays. perhaps if i had finish everything up fast enough mum wld have bought more. but thankfully small aunt donated 3 "normal" ones to us. (one is green tea. urk). but it was better than nutthin la. nutthin nuts.
yar..... i'm tired but i am amazed at how much i can still go on bitching. haha. YY, this is one of those "what-i-did-today" entries tt sounds bimbotic enough to dedicate to u. peace out!

Saturday, October 07, 2006
from now on i shall aspire to be a perky bunny, like Phoebe from FRIENDS. i'll sing silly songs straight to seashells on the seashore, about smelly cats, blackouts, adultery and sex. but i love singing bout smelly cats most. i like my DIY rock-angsty version. "WHAT ARE THEY FEEDING YOU?!?"mayb i sld join the next Rockstar-something. Rockstar Garbage! den i can croach in Shirley Manson's face.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
a sneak peek.

this is my own hellhole: my desk. my workspace is effectively a quarter of the table. when in need of large spaces i use the kitchen table. i plan to clear it all up by the end of the week, my so-called self-given-cos-its-timely recess week. purge week IMO. and i'm ashamed to say i havent sat on my armchair in over 2 yrs. yar. amazing huh. i didnt like it tt much. so it has become part of the table already. and a part-time clothes hanger too.
these are what i will be listening to in the next few days. i just took them from shop today (with the exception of Sandy which has been on heavy rotation for the past few days) . that's the new Evanescene cd between Sandy and Harlem.

puttin this poster up yesterday has been one of the best decisions i've made to my room. it's close to the ceiling, which totally matches the poster design, as if Nicole is really up there and my room really had clouds. now i can finally look up to Nicole, literally. heck, pray to her even.

this is my precious Sandy Lam poster taken from Grand Copthorn Waterfront Hotel a few yrs back when Sandy came to perform. Twist of fate, that hotel i was workin in happened to be the official hotel sponsor. so i got this poster!! whoopee! pity i didnt stalk Sandy then. i was too young lar.
the rest of my room i am too ashamed to show due to its graphic nature. after my purge maybe. so a few hours ago i met up with Seng and CH. it was super spontaneous. wat was supposed to be a chilling session in the afternoon bout 3pm became a waiting session for MR LIM CHEE SENG to finish his assignment. so i waited for him since 5pm, ate some hotdog prata, chat abit, all in his classroom. den Mr Lee joined us at 6.45pm and we started talkintalkin till 8.30pm (!!!) before he finally finished and we went to have dinner at NewYorkNewYork. yeah my first time! and there's free candy floss!
my spring chicken.
CH's very glossy sausage.
the lovebirds. her name is QIUYI. have to mention cos i'll definitely forget.
we got the cave-in seats! not so cool after all cos air circulation wasnt that pretty. imagine 6 ppl eating. the food wasnt great. mine was only normal, CH's sausage didnt 'melt in his mouth. just felt very fattening". Qiuyi's pasta tasted like "play-doh", seng's steak was average. the buffalo wings were nice thou.
i havent seen Seng since i ORD, so it's definitely nice to catch up with him again, seeing him all lovey-dovey-mushy. haha. that's like whopping 6 mths or so without his nonsense!?!?! need to have outing soon man. i miss the days. and i wana see BSO's hair! heard it's uber cool. haha. gotta visit him at Paragon someday soon. CH i see like every once in a while. but what he's doing never cease to amaze me.
and i'm looking for Prom sponsors and a theme for prom!!! ppl who speak foreign languages where are u? pls tell me if u have nice themes or lobangs tankewverymuch.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
bed of lies.
Today's episode of Oprah revealed the American Lie, citizens who have been living in a lie. she asked: are you living in a lie? there's this girl who spends all her money on clothes celebrities wear just so she could feel good about herself. Oprah, being a seasoned interviewer, was kind enough not to be too blunt / harsh on her. but the poor girl seems to be really living in a lie. what's worse was she knew it, yet she's living the hell out of it.
it's one too many times for a single day. perhaps it's Providence. and so it got me thinking: am i living in a lie as well? i questioned if i'm trying to emulate someone / something, holding on to something already lost, pretending that all is well when the truth is far from it. my very existance.
sadly, i am.
and i think many of us do so as well to a certain extent. maybe it's a fine line between being idealistic, optimistic, and living-a-lie.
what u can hold on to might not be real. and what's tangible might not be so surreal after all.
hopes and dreams got me too high. i need to stand on firm soil now.