Friday, September 29, 2006
Little Girl God - And they all lived happily ever after. There's a surprise. You guys really like that ending.
Joan - Yeah, well, you have a better one?
God - They all moved towards spiritual growth and enlightenment? Joan - Yeah. That's gonna work with the kids.
God - Ever notice that the guy always has to risk his life and the girl is nearly dead when he finds her? It takes a kiss to wake her up, and they ride off together. It's a nice metaphor.
Joan - For what?
God - Death and resurrection.
Joan - Yeah, well, that's a fun party game. ?
God - It happens all the time. The illusion dies so that something deeper can take its place.
Joan - Are you saying that... Adam and I are an illusion?
God - Romance serves a purpose. It's a meditative state. It puts logic to sleep so that people can come together. Otherwise, you guys probably wouldn't risk it.
Joan - Why did you have to make love so complicated? I mean... couldn't that one thing have been easy?
God - Love is big. It's a bright light in the universe. And a bright light casts a big shadow. So what do you want to do, Joan?
Joan - How am I supposed to know?
God - By looking at it. Real love is hard work. You have to decide if you want it in your story. Or...if you'd rather just stay in the dream.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
but WHOOPEE!!!
I haven't catch the performance show, only today's result show.
It's a (not so)interesting finale
-Electrico performed as a great homage to local bands. Seeing JL having a great time and so in his element sealed my thoughts that JL is better off with a band. Hady seemed out of place, but at least he's trying and sounds great.
- I spotted tons of lip-synching. Energy was at it again (as usual), and they sand an english song with the idols. I thought it was a huge selling-out. And the top 12 did so during their medley. poor showmanship. worse production unit.
-Tanya Chua!!
-Taufik Batisah!!! I am keeping my goatee like him.
- Ken Lim smiled (finally).
- JL's fans were mostly chinese. Hady's fans were mostly Malay, with Taufik fans in them too (cause I saw that Taufik banner amongst the blues!)
-Mathilda sang the last line to the top 12 medley.
i forgot what i wanted to blog about because my mind is disoriented now. but here's a point.
I've always considered the possibilty of a judges' conspiracy, because all season they have been dropping hints of a JL win. I thought Singapore would not want another Taufik as an Idol. And this was the year when rock really had a representative in JL (instead of last year's gross SS).
So it came as a surprise when Hady (not Hardy) won today! I guess a large part of it was his great singing at yesterday's show. but it could very well be a sponsors' conspiracy! Consider the fact that Taufik was the glamazon to blaze covers and ads last year. consider the pin-uppy idol 7-11 needs to promote its drinks (JL prob needs to do some splashing of coke for that). And they can't possibly have a rock anthem for the National Day song, at least not in the next few years, however uber cool I think that idea will be. We need inspirational songs, the generic way. So in the end, Soul triumphed Rock, again.
that would explain the camera on Mathilda's hands during Hady's winning song. it must be a Nikon Coolpix.
or what's in Hady's mouth when he's singing. must be some Ricola because he forgot some words to his songs.
or the bling-bling on the usually undecorated Tanya Chua. Those Goldheart Jewellery can break her neck I tell you.
but what about the gaudy gold outfits during the Top 12's medley? Mathilda looked unfairly unflattering. that dress made her seem like in dire need for some Jean Yip treatment.
maybe that's just reverse advertising.
stay tuned for the Hady invasion at a local 7-11 / Starhub store near you.
Monday, September 25, 2006
蔡淳佳 - 对不起,我爱你
Saturday, September 23, 2006
That was all the pictures I took tonight.
Meeting up with them was the highlight of this week, better than getting back my TMA with relatively good results and catching PR's season 3 premiere.
I went down to Woodlands, the place with our fondest memories, after my class. We went for a spontaneous KTV session at the last minute for 1 hour (Causyway Partyworld closes at 1am, and we went in at 12mn, and the charges were still the same) before sitting down at another random lamp-post outside the interchange to just "chill", as we like to call it.
The guys were caught in army talk, and the girls had no choice but to talk about work.
Talking with Shawn and hearing all his stories brought back many memories of my BMT days. Somehow, I find it difficult to recall details. I have realised that all these time, those "memories" have been lying dormant in my head. I have forgotten how it feels to wake up to 5BX. Or to sing army songs while marching. Or how painful my chin-up regime was. Or how being "tekan" by Sgt Lawrence felt like. Or Sgt Lawrence's famous mole and his funny way of saying "f***ing Ch**B**". Until Shawn reminded me.
Perhaps this is what we all go through, getting caught up with "dailyness" that sometimes, reminiscing about the past can seem like a personal revelation. How blissful it was back then, when all that encompass "life" is training and sleep, and looking forward to meals and book-outs (at least for me). It was instinctual, almost. Early army life was all about these simple habituals that we so neglect, and when we finally get in touch with them again, we learn to appreciate them more.
This supposed "passage" that we all go through has been more than just a journey of personal discovery. I have made many friends that I am glad to keep in touch to this day. Skills that contributed to this being that is me today.
Army has made the yao-nie a more sullen person. And while I totally understood what he is going through, I could neither come up with a consolation, nor a solution for him. I tried to ask myself what it was that made me felt better back then, but I just could not find the answers. Perhaps being "serious" might not be such a bad thing after all.
It changed me. But I was never sure if it was for the better or worse. I just hope that going through all these will make him stronger, yet retain his innocence and comics.
I am glad Team CP finally met-up again. It was much overdue. And while I sigh at how the future might be for the 4 of us, perhaps I have to understand that this is just another "passage" that I have to take. We all move on. As painful and unbearable it is; as unwillingly and stubborn we are to changes; as much as I miss them.
It was rejuvenating, yet heart-wrenching.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Rediscovering Garbage

Shirley Manson makes me wanna put on gothic eyeshadow, drive a fast car, have wild sex, and smash some guitars or whatevers. all at the same time.
metaphorically. cos that's virtually impossible. but u get what i mean.
I weekly did a poll on 30 Singaporeans, asking them if they think Faye Wong sld retire altogether. 60%, which is 18 of them, felt she should retire for good. as opposed to the 40% (12) who thinks she sld resurface again.
i feel like arranging the 18 in 1 straight line and running that fast car over them.
no.... sweeter revenge wld be for the Chi pop scene to be saturated with Xu Chun Meis and Chu Mei Fengs...wannabes u feel like putting a huge watermelon into their mouth before they utter any painful notes.
then i hope they will be kissing their sorry asses and begging for Faye to sing again. or even just to hum a note wld be sweeter than anything in the world.
i dun tink it takes the deaf to hear nor the blind to see that we're running a talent-deficit here. why are the talents not gettin the rewards they deserve? the usual badingdings keeps gettin all the recognition and sales records.
hand me the guitars. i feel destructive today.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
i tell u, i watched the JT vid for 5 times liao!!!(5th time on ya blog. i cant help it) haha. and as i was watching JT's live performance of Like I Love You (i tink tt's one of the best pop songs ever)at some old MTV award that day, i cant help but think tt singing/dancing in a suit makes red tee + black shirt over red tee + fedora jus looks so amateurish n teeney-poppy. but botak and dancing nifty sharp moves in a suit? eye-popping.
either that, or we're jus gettin old and growing out of Britneys and Hilaries.
and the lightings at the beginning helped too.
screams+half-sing: "my lovvveeeeee, my lovvvveeeeee,.......get your sexxxy on!"
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Project Runway!!!
love it.
i miss Daniel V, Chloe Dao, KARA SAUN(!!!), JAY(!!) AUSTIN(!!!!!), Santino.
and it's so hilarious. some funny cuts n edits and bio videos. Heidi Klum's laugh is infectious and she sounds like a dumb blonde today.
i cant wait for my pirated dvds to arrive to relive the first 2 seasons....kekekekekkeek.
k brainless. i'm jus rushing thru assignments again, period. nothing much to blog about. oh JP finally has a SISTEC outlet!!! whoopee!!! so now i can buy my tics at a stone's throw away. haha... JP has everything la. except mayb Chippys and Full House milk tea. haha. and i went Pizza Place with huiting yesterday and the pizza's great! rediscovering JP. wonderful.
lalalaalalalalalalaa. brainless n clueless. ache ah ache. i sound like Heidi.
PRISON BREAK TOMORROW. i tink it will be a fantastic season premiere.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
68 for English, 73 for Humanities. kekekeke.
i know....still GIGANTIC rooms for improvement. and i wana do beta also. but this is definitely a morale booster for TMA 2 which is due on this thurs n next thurs!!! haha.....this time i feel more prepared. so hopefully it'll go well.
Ash helped me get Chet's Travelogue 1 from her HK trip!!! whoopee!!! so regreted not gettin it at HK last $$. but now i'm 1 step closer to the full catalogue. kekekekekeke. enjoy it laters.
and Justin Timberlake's latest album is friggin fantabulous lar. his + Christina Aguilera's + Nelly Furtado's albums are the must-gets this season. serious.
JT's FutureSexLoveSound is supersonic. there's like only 1 ballad this time, with a few comin close. it's more beat-heavy than the previous album, but v v v cohesive. i love cohesive albums with a sustained/continuous mood. sounds very Timbaland-ish (Missy Elliot's long time collaborator), which i suspect he's the producer. upbeat and groovy. love. and the cool poster is hanging on my wall! haha.
Xtina Aguilera is no longer dirrty, thou she still claims so in a song called "still dirrty" or smthin like dat. a 2cd concept album tt's worth the $$ man. everything is Back To Basics, and there's clear 30s, 40s swing/big band influences. disc 1 is the groovy one, and disc 2 has the ballads (of sorts). 1 thing i did not like thou was that Ms xtina was singing almost at the same level thruout, belting and belting and belting. there wasnt quiet moments tt showcase her strong vocals to the best ability, cept for 1 song on disc 2. anws, disc 2 is produced by Linda Perry, her previous album's producer. and u cant find her name on disc 1, so it's a truely concept album. am i makin sense?
anws, Nelly Furtado. oh Nelly is jus greatgreatgreat. Maneater and Promiscuous are earworms i never get tired of. and Timbaland is wicked. very beat-heavy too, and very nifty production. nice. thou i kinda miss i'm-like-a-bird Nelly. Nelly's gettin dirrrty lar. haha..
oh well. back to work. urgh urgh urgh.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
but after reading the testimonial, it pains me to see those words laid in front of my eyes. suddenly, i see. it's a revelation, and i can only sigh at wat has passed. i've been consumed by "stuff" to see that ours has become a friendship that's almost non-existent.
and as i look through my photos, the different stages, i felt a pang of sadness. suddenly, i miss Lyn. my platoon. my slackin trio. and my jc friends.
i hate this.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
For the next two months i shall be unapologetic, in the least rude way possible. I do not want to feel sorry for myself, or for anything for that matters, ever again. I will not be brought down by people who undermine me, circumstances that confine me, events that puzzle me, strangers that condescend me, and friends who underappreciate me. I'm making this promise to myself. I need to be the best that I can be.
my JJ council pals. it was a good laugh after a long time apart.

"All we really need to survive is one person who truely loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you. Always.
I love you. "
- L O S T ep 2.24 : Live Together, Die Alone
Thursday, September 14, 2006
isnt this exciting or wat?!?!?!?!
Q: wat's the present president's name and contact number, cos i might need her help. the vice-president's contacts might be good also if u have it.
A: eee.. i think you better be careful of the new excos. i heard they do not like the president and are planning to overthrow her. i know overthrow is a big word, haha, but it's true. they said it.
anyway, president is li***** and her numbers are ******** and ********.
vice president is jo***n and her number is ********.
heard the two of them were quarrelling over liz****'s ex (al****) who is also in the exco. isn't this batch exciting? hahaha!
Clara is officially the funniest 16 yr old i know. period.
and in lec today, some Chew-bites:
"Einstein didnt comb his hair and didnt lose his job. so wat does it say? genius no need to comb hair lar."
Gurmit was teary-eyed and surprisingly un-talkative. Jacintha pulled out 1 strand of hair and placed it across her face to pay tribute.
Paul Twohill. the life of the party. i'll miss him.
tonight's performances were almost great, if not for Jasmine's silly back-to-being-a-Carrie-wannabe choice of Some Hearts. i heard another tone in Hady's voice. and while i hope he'll win this season, Jon seems to be the hot favourite amongst the judges. just look at those bias comments. besides, i dun tink Singapore Idol wana be known for producing 2 Taufiks. it's still a very strategic and carefully marketed business at hand: whomever's got the more potential to earn the bucks shall win. of cos he's gotta have a lil decency in his singing. but that's secondary as compared to, say, looks or the "x-factor".
and tt's why my love for Jon Leong has diminished. i tink on top of his hardwork, he got lucky by winning the judges over. but still, i have to give him credibility and say i absolutely adore the Phil Collins song tonight. but the second choice of The Police's Everything She Does is Magic is jus too poppish and he's tryin hard to imitate Sting's tone. urk. but that first song left an impression so it wont matter if the 2nd choice sucked. besides, he's on a high after succesive smart choices of song. Snow Patrol was a smart commercial choice and he pulled it off well.
Jasmine amazed me last week. that Fame song? great. and Jewel's Foolish Games? one of my all time fave songs. i jus wished she cld have just sat down and SANG it to death, instead of walkin ard and all tt hand gesture. perhaps i'm bias, i lovelovelove the song to death.
i read an article tt explained why American Idol is the most important show on earth now. on the commercial $$-making side, whomever performs on the show, sales of their album will increase tremendously. after Shakira performed the electrifying Hips Don't Lie, sales of her album increased by more than 200% in the U.S. Stevie Wonder, the legend, also benefitted from the exposure. and Barry Manilow's album went to #1.
but on top of that, here's the 3 reasons why:
-it's fluff/ it's therapeutic
it's not real, and it skids away from reality based drama talkin bout law, terrorism, and what-have-u that's happening in the world today. it "transports us to an alternate universe", prob in the same way Lost keeps u entwined. temporary escapism. yet, we can remain pleasantly detached. we get annoyed at why the talents are voted out. but the bottom line "isnt anything as drastic as war or suffering, but a record contract and a concert tour."
-it's a soap opera/ it's a psychological experiment
you can still follow the plot even if miss every performance show, cos the result show plays like a soap opera tt keeps repeating tiself. as for the psycho part, "viewers absorb the visual and verbal clues from the judges and Seacrest, and pick up on the night's favourite." and because of what a judge might say, voters probably try and prove their independence and vote against a contestant.
-i'm a critic/ you're a critic.
everyone's allowed a piece of the pie. everyone gets to say something. u can blog it (like me). go to forums, mags, papers, etc. in the end, u're hooked.
it's true somehow. but for me, at least, wat gets me back week after week about American Idol is the singers. it's fun rooting for someone. in season 2 i rooted for Kimberley Locke. and week after week, i got happier that she's advancing more and more, and eventually she's in top 3. i cried when Fantasia sang All My Life and I Believe. i prob said it a thousand times before already. but for me, it's about making me feel something at the end of the day. of cos it can also be waiting to see when another Josh Gracin/Chicken Little-forgot-his-name/ Ace Young make their exit, or when another William Hung will take the world by storm. and of cos Simon Cowell.
heck i didnt plan to write so much. i planned to iron my clothes to my music!!! but anyways,
I am exhilarated the Prison Break is finally here and Project Runway didnt allow me a hangover. whoopee!!! and Wentworth Miller is a Princeton Grad with a degree in Literature! gosh, like how hot is that mannnnnn.
"love it"
k lunch later! yeah!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
like it? that's HOT.
and there's a song titled Screwed. i just cant stop laughing everytime she sings "since i'm already screwed...."
no self awareness? i think she's the best commedienne in ages. hahahahahahahahahaa.
terrorism has taken on a whole new meaning since then. the fight against it is still very much ongoing. there's war, and there's the public awareness. just today, my train ride was delayed because someone pressed the emergency button to speak to the MRT driver. over the broadcast, i can hear the driver speakin to whomever, "hello did someone press the emergency button? how can i help?" and for the next few minutes, nothing happened. everyone just sat in their seats. it happened at another cabin, and from where i was sitting, i saw a couple of ppl gettin off the train, and another few scrambling themselves and shifting their bodies to see if anything was goin on. my paranoid mind imagined wat i wld do if something exploded. flames will gush through the cabins and i, on alert, will exit as fast i can.
everything went back to normal after that. it wasnt until i got off the station that i remembered tt it's the anniversary today.
and as i was watching Meryl on screen, i kept hearing 'boom' noises in the background. at first i tot it was part of the soundtrack. den it came at an offbeat moment and i tot it was thunder. the next time it was a long boom and i tot it was one of the airplanes tt so frequently fly pass my estate. and i thought wat if the end of the world was happening outside. i squirm comfortably in my seat, thinking that everything is just fine.
if i were living in another country, i dun think i wld feel the same way i did. i wld not be safe. i wld be paranoid. i'm fortunate to be safe here in Singapore.
The Devil Wears Prada. i finally caught it. Meryl didnt disappoint. but i expected more. she's getting old, and if only she had lesser wrinkles, i tot she'd have nailed the role. but the divine M has a knack for magnifying a pout's effect. even a single turn of the head makes me sit up and watch. that calm collected tone, and that killer stare. "that's all". heck it if i didnt see more heart. if she's the devil, i have no regrets selling my soul to her.
Anne Hathaway was v pretty. drop dead gorgeous. and those outfits are to die for! and i miss seeing Simon Baker and that Entourage guy whose name i forgot.
and KT Tunstall and Azure Ray's in the OST! the opening track is set to the credits is KT Tunstall's Suddenly I See btw, in case anyone is interested.
i received my relief teaching letter. whoopee. now everything's jus cramming in my head: work, studies, MJ, work, THE PROM, relief teaching, blablabla. i need to get my butt to work. urgh.
Monday, September 11, 2006
the way we were

the trailer went "Streisand. Redford. Together!", set to the sad music of The Way We Were. that was hilarious. it cant get any cheesier. i wonder wat kind of funny trailers they have back then.
a Sydney Pollack romance flick cant be that disappointing, i thought. it wasnt. it didnt have the premise of a typical romance flick. there wasnt any happy ending, thou no one died in the end. there's plenty of political talk. and there's no wisecracking sidekick to tell them how they sld fall in love.
so it's a story bout two people who fell in love years later after college. in the end, they couldnt get over their differences and had to go their separate ways.
honestly, i watched it for Barbra. and i now have new-found interest in Robert Redford cos he so suave in this movie. i'm so gonna watch Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. but anws, Barbra was ravishing. she's aged so much, but that VOICE. IMO, she's one of the best singers ever. her catalogue is marvelous. and her Essentials album is one of my treasures. her career is any singer's dream: Oscars, Grammys, wat have u. amazing. i'm in the mood to catch Yentl and Funny Girl now.
i found the movie abit long, even thou it's onli a tiny 118mins. yar. not life changing, but it's an o-k movie.
i'm gonna watch Devil wears Prada tml. come rain or shine. desperately. and after i'll prob be on a Meryl high and watch Adaptation and Prime. haha.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
i didnt know wat IMF stands for...until Quinnie told me so a while ago. International Monetary Fund. yea. i'm losing touch with the world, however small some claims Singapore to be. i dun even know wat my frens are doin all around the island. i dun even know how badly injured my Tekong friend is. i dun even know how Foo is doin cos i haven got the time to visit. heck i dun even know what i'm doin sometimes.
the unknown. while it might be a realm of possibilities, it's an elusive being i'm always tryin to put my fingers on. an enigma. the what-ifs. the maybes. sometimes i get sick of it. and in a way, after shi-lar-ker's very "tiresome" entry, the fatigue has rubbed onto me.
why am i writing this anyway?
i came here to post about Goong. i have nothin much to blog about these days. i dun feel v strongly very often. perhaps only towards tv and music and movies these days. i jus feel very indifferent u know. liek, DO U TINK I CARE ala beauty-chua-peihong. i miss her saying that empowerin line.
my social circle is the the incredible-shrinking-hole, and makin new frens in school is slower than tryin to count the rice on my plate, whatever that means. on that note, channel U used a Kings Of Convenience song for a trailer. yar. such randomness.
so back to Goong. i am at the last disc of part 1. it's hopelessly romantic. not in the candlelight dinners every 5 min, with the man willing to jump into the ocean to fetch just a pearl kinda romantic. but....sweet. yes...SWEET. in the way every one envisioned themselves to fall in love with royalty, an icon of massive adoration. but it's never that blissful as it seems. seeing them fall in love gradually makes u root for them. the premise reminds me of Little Bride (xin niang 18), both couple fallin in love only after a very rash marriage, and one tt is arranged by their ancestors even b4 they met. but the female lead is sooooo much less irritating than the female lead in Little Bride. she's jus sweet, cute, adorable. easy to fall for cos she's so lovelorn lar. there's lavish sets and so many fancy costume changes.
the pace's very slow thou. but i like the slowburn. very peaceful like as if i'm really watchin in the palace. the niang-niang is so funny. but the best part is of cos the love triangle lar. slowly the characters develop, and slowly the plot thickens as the lovers fall in love. the aloof prince that rarely speaks of his emotions, but is so heartfelt when he does. the princess who sacrificed for love, and whose cheerful facade masks her sorrow. the prince-that-was who fell in love with someone he wasnt supposed to, and revenge is a slow process. and of cos, the jealous ex-lover, who desires to be not the Princess Diana, but the next Carmela, the one waiting in the wings, the one that the prince will run to, even in the presence of Diana.
i sound like a sec school girl lar. so enuf said. i will watch smthin intellectual soon tankewverymuch.
next up, The Way We Were. ar-haha. snigger.
i tink this is so blissful i jus have to put it up now. sometime ago at PPP concert. yes, i COPIED it. i cant wait for u to send.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
i'm now closer to the monitor. almost too close for comfort. approx 15cm away. any further i'd have to stretch out my hands to reach the keyboard. the font's so much smaller. everything is jus so darkkkkk i cant even see black. i dun even wana see Goong now. urgh.
i suspect my sister turned on the pc for so long tt it jus poof! and stopped workin for us. usually she'll retaliate if she's accused, but she didnt just now. hmmmmmm...
so i cant wait to spoil my eyes. great. it's times like these i learn to appreciate even the non-living and its convenience and contributions to our daily comforts.