Monday, January 22, 2007

this is wat's been tiding me over till Dreamgirls is released on 22 Feb. i cant frakking wait.

Beyonce - Listen
Jamie Foxx plays the Hudson-ditcher and hooked up with Beyonce, making her sing lead and causing her rise to success. B is breaking free with this song. an understated performance with a story to tell that befits the song much more than the OTT mtv whereby she's doing too many diva antics.

but if there's 1 vid/scene u gotta watch, it's this.
Jennifer Hudson - And I am Telling You I'm Not Going.

this is probably the reason why she won at this year's Globes. EW called her performance an "epiphany", one of those rare spine-tingling debuts tt manage to take your breath away. tears always swell up when i'm watching this clip. and i've seen it a couple of times now and still not sick of it. it's a woman's tender plea for her man to stay. it's a diva's claim that she's staying put and not leaving. it's a lonely, down-fallen diva's ironically grand display of emotions to a hall of empty tables and chairs. it's tragic, and it breaks the heart. hearing the soundtrack doesnt do it justice. u gotta watch to know the points she turn from tender plea to grandoise proclamation.

go watch it b4 all the hype starts building up in this tiny island. but most importantly, watch it fast b4 it's being removed for infringing copyrights again.
i watched Pan's Labyrinth with Echo and Fro today. well, 4.5 stars sounds abit over-rated. and Keay's claim of it being a lame, predictable flick was undermining it's political themes of escapism, utopia, and family dysfunction. not as mystical as expected, yet poignant towards the end, i thought it was interspersed with too much fantasy/reality breaks. the captain's importance was underplayed in trailers, and it was promoted like a fantasy pic than a political drama. well, but it was an engaging film nonetheless.

next: THE QUEEN (finally!!!) on Tues with queen, and Borat on Fri with Keay. whoopee!!!

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