Shu's belated bday @ Anatolia Far East

the ladies: Charlene(Quin's fren), Quin, Shu, Haz
i must be emo. no. WE must be emo.the "pizza" is as big as her face! gosh!(and i ate half of it for her)
and to top it off, a very raunchy shot.
then we went to Timbre to catch Haz's bf's band play some live music. his name's Sayid. everytime someone says his name i cant help but think of Andrew Naveens from LOST, whose character shares the same name. idunnowhy. so anyways this is his band, and his bf's the drummer.
my first time at Timbre and we were lucky to get seats cos the bf knew the boss. if not we wld be standing ard waiting like sillies. saw 2 army acquaintances. never say hi. the band's quite good, and if i had more $$ i wld have gotten some wine. anyway they started with a Damien Rice song! like how cool is that. Volcano. i lovelovelove. den High&Dry and The drugs dont work. but i hated Wake me up when Sept Ends and Chasing Cars. overplayed to death and i had chills (the bad kind) when the crowd echoed the chorus like "wake me up when sept ends". ew.
but anyway, few songs into the set Haz started tellin us that there's a guy in the band who's damn rich and is an entrepreuneur, so we asked wat business he's got. Haz says he writes his own songs, and has his own production company and writes for ppl like Stef Sun, etc. immediately, i realise that we're lookin at Eric Ng of Funky Monkey, ala Tanya Chua's ex bf and well known Singaporean producer around Asia. seriously he looked younger and skinnier in person. then i got star-struck and we started talkin bout local bands blablabla. i laughed at the awful echoed-chorus, the girls laughed at my cheap celebrity-brushoff and my swa-koo-ness by takin a pic. hell this is eric ng we're talkin about! he wrote a song for Sandy Lam wor!
and Queen, here's the "special treatment". way back then.
somehow puttin these 3 pics side by side makes me wana ROFLOL. esp the last one, such randomness. candid indeed. the slackin trio. we laugh at the silliest things. i'm glad we're still keepin in touch. tanks Queen for organising this one. (tsktsk ya bday also organise la want? hahaha. KIDDIN!).
anyway, after reading a long-lost friend's blog, i've got an epiphany. i've realised life is bigger than i am. the problems i face, the daily rants and complains about myself and my life, how terrible it sucks and all, they dont really matter at all. i sld be thankful for all that i have, and all that i am not. i have a roof above me, food on the table, milk in the fridge. that doesnt mean i sld stop here and stand still. instead i sld strive to be the best that i can be and be more appreciative. i am takin a different approach. mayb if i dun try so hard to look for certain things, they will come to me most unexpectedly. but i dun wana not look hard for the sake of it.
sounds contradictory? a lil i guess. the point is this: i am going to stop being an unhappy person. lets see how long i can sustain this in 2007.
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