"and you know the thing about chaos; it's fear."
"Madness is like gravity. All you need is a little push."
I caught The Dark Kinght for a second time today with xin,jenni,belle, and QJ(whom also caught it with me the first time round). I never go to the same movie for more than once. The last time, and first ever, I did so, if I remember correctly, was for Titanic. I cant remember if I caught the first time on dvd or in the theatres, but the fact was I sat through the 3 hr weeper twice, and both times my eyes got watery.
I read this forum a few weeks back, and they were polling if they would go see the Dark Knight tiwce, or more, and asked what were the movies that kept them going back to theatres. pirates 3, spiderman 3, titanic, star wars 1 thru 6, LOTR, etc etc. I thought to myself that I oughta show some love for the movie and pay Heath Ledger my last respects. This is the least a fan could do for a great performance, and second time round is still great.
I caught up on the missed dialogue from the first screenin. GV VIVO's 10 row theatre 2 has a boomin sound system that at times felt a tad too loud, but the screen was right in my face, widespread. I could hear every moan and groan and even noise that was comin out of the movie set's next door, and feel att the vibrations in my jeans and seat. Second time round was more of an appreciation for the script, though the action sequences, acting, and special effects also left me at awe again. Some scare tactics still got to me, even though i knew it was gonna happen. I could marvel at the Hans Zimmer score better now, and cringe everytime Heath rows his eyes or lick his lips. The movie also felt more well-paced, as the first time was quite hectic (i thought some parts were a tad choppy though).
The Dark Knight is still the number 1 film in the US, with a current to-date domestic box office gross of approx $400 million. Staying at number 1 for 3 consecutive weeks (even keepin Mummy 3 at number 2)and breakin all sorts of records with its opening weekend/2-day gross or whatever drew speculations that it will surpass the $600 million domestic gross by all-time top grosser Titanic.well, at least come close. Titanic was a slow-burn that stayed at number 1 for 15 straight weeks, fueled by the Oscars, leo leo leo, word-of-mouth, etc etc. the other camp suspects that while Dark Knight might come close, it will never surpass the legendary run that Titanic achieved, or even come close. They speculate that it will only create s string of imitations, of comic-adaptations that are darker, more ambitious, and more daring.
But really. what keeps people goin back is just the very basic fact that it's a great movie. Ong Sor Fen should be shot for giving it a half-star short of 4. i hate reviewers who give a 5-star rating. that almost always comes with biasness. mayb my rating scale is too stuck on Rolling Stone's rating scale, whereby a 5-star is deemed a Classic, a 4-star Excellent. The Dark Knight definitely deserved more than the 3.5 that it got. that's like callin the Beatles average!
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