my personal promise to myself, without making myself seem like a fool if i do not get to fulfill this, is to do a Masters degree overseas. Recently I've been thinking about this alot. I think I need the exposure, the experience, and the chance to get away. Of course, I also need the cash. Everything aside, this shall be a personal goal.
I've also promised myself to be a better writer. I need to be good at what I do, and currently I am disgusted at the state of my language. Language is power. No, I do not desire the capability to power up a lighthouse. I just need to feel assertive and confident about myself.
But this comes with the pithole of being an intellectual snub.
raging against pitholes, raging against the heart of darkness. we're all sane, but arent we all insane in our own ways?
I need to stop reading Batman comics. hahahahahahah.

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