after a shagedelic last week, i'm takin a three day break of sorts. day 1 today was half wasted in bed. i slept till the sinful hot hours of 1pm. damn. went for a spontaneous swim. i have not swam in a long while it feels, and i'm determined to swim more in the coming months. i think procrastination with regards to gettin fit and tan sld stop. right. now.
but it's hard!!!
anyways. here's what i've been watching. today during my tan i was tryin to think deep thoughts. you know, not like 2.1m water-deep thoughts. but like, u know, life changing sparks of genius that might pop as my skin cracks under the sun. hahaha. i dunno why but i got to the reason why i blog. and i might have said this before but to hell i'll say it again. i blog because:
a) i wan to spread good movies and good music
b) i need an outlet of release. writing is therapeutic
c) for distant friends to stay in touch. like dustbin in US.(but dustbin i bet u're havin so much fun u've forgotten bout me! idiot!)QJ and susan having the best time of their lives in europe now. and jennifullofboredom.
ya. the sun only purged out these few reasons. a yr later i'll prob say the same thing again. THEN i'll add another one or two.
yes. what goes around comes around.
anyway here goes.
i caught Marie Antoinette two days ago. this is Sofia Coppola's first film post-Lost In Translation. and this one's tone is totally different from LIT. however, the theme of feminism and lost-woman-tryin-to-find-her-footing is still very much present. i've read extreme reactions to this film. some said it was not historically true, while others praised it for its bold interpretation. basically this is a very lavishly decadent, beautifully decorated and costumed film which focused on Marie's marriage of peace and how she had to deal with the stress of it. at 18( or 19). why do people like to force queens to have sex and procreate?!
but anyway, this is very stylishly done. set to a soundtrack of hip grunge rock from the likes of The Strokes and Siouxie and the Banshee, it emphasised MA's lavish lifestyle comparable to the rock stars of today.except i think they dun have crack then. like Curse of the Golden Flower, the more lavish and elaborate it gets with the cakes and shows and fashion, the more decadent it gets. the costumes, the shoes, the hairs, are just BEAUTIFUL. and Kirsten Dunst has never looked better. she looks like a poised Nicole Kidman, except younger and sexier. KD sld stop doing action hero flicks and do more of these.
but anyway the film didnt show herhead-rolling death. some parts i cant help but feel were mishandled. some plotlines could have been emphasized. but there were some drop dead funny parts.
and as the famous line goes,
this following section is for my fellow friends like YY Quin and Andy who have caught Deathproof, intend to catch it, a curious fan, or just an avid reader.
Deathproof was initially intended as a two-in-one collaboration between Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino. it was released in the US as such, a 3 hour long feast for fans of the 70s, but due to the poor reception (ie: poor box office), they decided to release it as two separate piece overseas.
the two-in-one is called Grindhouse, a homage to the era of lost cinematic fun where mindless car chases and zombie slashes were loved and utterly entertaining. i cant explain it better, so i'll prob quote somewhere later.
so anyway the RR part is a zombie flick. if the posters below are any indication, i'm guessing it'll be more terrific than DeathProof. thou nothing can be quite compared to QT. feast feast feast.

"In Grindhouse, their crazily funny and exciting tribute to the grimy glory days of 1970s exploitation films, Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez re-create the junk cinema of their youth with a deftly amused appreciation for its cheeseball squalor. But they also celebrate those films for their accidental B-movie nihilism, their freedom. The low-budget, anything-goes genre movies that sprung up like weeds during the '70s had a distinct, tasty decadence — a depraved underground allure. Taken as drama, they were glum and listless, often borderline inept, but they weren't trying to be ''good.'' They were vehicles for sensation — for nudity and zombie flesh, for cars screaming down the road with a death-rattle roar — and since sensation was more or less the only thing alive in them, their cruddiness worked in a peculiar way. In the very apathy of their storytelling, they expressed the blasted, what do we do now? hangover of the post-counterculture era; in their promise of cheap thrills, they offered a down-and-dirty escape from that alienation. They were rooted in the action of the moment, and only the moment. They were drive-in rock & roll.......Growing up in the '70s, I spent my share of time in grind-house theaters, and I can testify: This is exactly what it felt like." - Owen Gleiberman,
for the full review:,,20033672,00.html
currently watching: Helen Mirren's Emmy winning miniseries Elizabeth 1
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