either that, or i'm getting more violent by the day.
today i: showed a black face at the waiters of Manhattan Fish Market for not taking my reservation seriously, got unnecesaarily irritated by incessant sms-es that flew my kite and kept askin me bout venues, boldly displayed my unwillingness to compromise to the Principal with regards to prom date. i hate smug damn snobs. it was quite obvious she wasnt very keen on listening to what i have to say, thinking who-the-hell-is-this-small-fry thoughts. well, eat last yr's prom. i'm not goin to compromise this time. take it or leave it.
i fuckin hate smug snobs. i really do. but what scares me the most is that i might be guilty of committing the same crime i so whole-heartedly detest.
so anyways i'm heading this yr's prom com again i suppose. yea.
after which i met Justin and Boo for Transformers.
Transformers is a comic fanboy's fantasy come true. it just shows how much CGI can do nowadays. if this movie came out 10 yrs ago all the transforming might have been done in the shadows. i personally loved the cartoon growing up. it's staple Sat morning fare next to TMNT and power rangers. morphing from cars and jets into heavyweight mechanical beast was pure cinematic wonder.
however, i have my discontent with the film. basically the morphing would be more revealin if it were to unfold 40 times slower,ala the shark attack footages from Planet Earth. if only the dvd had this function. the action scenes were just a whole blob of grey mass metal. you cant see the real action, even thou i caught it in digital format. and some of the plotlines were a tad confusing. poorly edited with a tad of anti-climax. like the whole strip-cop-naked scene was unnecessary. Sector 7 guy was plain annoying. autobots-at-home part was cute, but too hyperactive. Shia was reduced to a hyperventilating nuisance. and but of cos the characters were underplayed. sure they had some great funny lines, but that was pretty it. Shia LaBeuf needs a breakout role, and this wasnt it. but i guess he handled himself surprisingly well to a bluescreen backdrop, running like it really was time to die, and acting shocked like he really saw an alien.
given this is Hollywood, dont tell me u dun see a sequel coming. here's hopin they rope in someone like James Cameron to give it some uplift, like how he added the adventure to horror in Aliens. and i hate it when Spielberg said in promo vids that Michael Bay was the one made to direct this film. Spielberg is selling out!
"Transformers was directed by Michael Bay and executive-produced by Steven Spielberg, and if the credits had been reversed, you can just imagine what a tingly buildup of wonder Spielberg might have gone for. ......Bay, at heart, isn't a fantasist; he's a literal-minded maestro of demolition." - OG.
here's some pics from today
seafood platter. with fire prawns slurp
Lai, whom i haven seen in a long time. i haven met some of them in a long time too, but only managed to get his pic. pity. so he'll represent.
camera shy ass. but i love this pic. i love how the hands turned out.
and from a while ago...
EC's bday...
174's farewell...
meetup with council peeps for brief lunch
YY I love this pic =)
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