personal highlights:
-watching Silence of the Lamb to pitch darkness, Epic Movie to, erm, patronise Jenni, and Scream to drive away the morning blues/hangover.
-Aiwei merlion-ed me at the bbq when she thought of Sok Ching's crumpled uniform back in CSS.
-fighting for sleeping space. floor also can.
-having the longest conversation with Haojie since e.v.e.r.
-setting 2 bbq pit fire, getting my hand charcoaled, body+eye smoked, and my arm aching
-BAILEY'S WITH MILK IS SOOO GOOD! thanks James. i had 3 cups. (or was tt 4?!)
-Aiwei's Bombay "I want to rock u!" indian encounter that had us cracking.
-experimenting with Fuying's 1k++ DSLR! MY FIRST TIME! it was so orgasmic jus to hear the fast shutter speed. after that i didnt touch my own camera for hours. i'm repelled! made a personal promise to get one of those soon!
-catching up with qj and susan after their long trip.
-camwhoring to 2A,2B,2C,2D,2E,4-1,4-2,etc etc pics FOREVER.
-breakfast at Mac at 4am, sitting at the longest series of joined table of my life(14 ppl!) and witnessing Spore's own version of the infamous Janet Jackson Nipplegate incident to dear friend James. muayahahaha
-Chingyee sayin i have a 'manly voice" and i sld do a switch of body with Ryan muahahahahhaha. hilarious.
-ktv after! with Yien doin mariah-carey-ing Michael Jackson's Heal the world to HILARIOUS effect.
-seeing zhenjia, emily, hanwei, xiaotao, chewy,becca and many more long-time-no-see faces
-hearing loud noises; thundering voices of Belle, Yien, Yuxian, Susan, bee, laughter of becca, yien, belle,susan.
like what everybody said, some things never change. and i'm glad they didnt. i am sure to have a hangover tml. best days of the past few mth so far.
special mention goes out to: ONG QIU JIE and his kakis like Ching yee, Fuying, and Sheena, who spent all their time, energy and effort in organising this feat. I understand ya difficult position. THANKS! PROPS PROPS PROPS! KUDOS!
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taken at Mac 4 in the morn. hahah. its not everyday we get to take a pic at Mac doors.