yes, exercising. contuary to popular belief, i still do that, less my lazy ass decides to grab the better of me. i went for a jog round my neighbourhood.
i haven lie down, with clear sky above me, after a run for some time now. the refreshing sensation brought me back to the army days. such adrenalin rush never meant so much in a long time now. for a moment, i felt alive again, and was reminded how everything really lies in the head: determination, perserverence, strength, weakness.
as i was packing thru my room, i opened up the mooncake box of love. you should know how it feels to read old letters: tt tingling smell of yellowing paper, littered with white blemishes of mould; feeling nostalgic and thinking of people and places, time and years. OXT wrote me the most letters. Susan had the highest words-per-page average. Tallone had the most varied handwriting. Isaac gave me the coolest handmade xmas card with perfect colour combination. Ernest is the sweetest cos he still sends me a card every yr. Minghua gave me the biggest bell. Liu remains the only one who sends me a xmas AND cny card.
with each viewing comes the sweetness of friendship, the joy. how ironic and prophetic old words can be sometimes. yet with it comes the wondering of what happened to all the years in between.
some words a friend wrote for my bday a few yrs back:
"Dear Yi Hua,
And so you have thus far
Your childhood behind you
And adulthood ahead.
To be able to stand at
the threshold of Youth
is to be in a privilegedposition,
not least because this moment
is ephemeral.
It is at this exciting intersection
of the many paths that lie before you,
the many endeavours that you
will undertake.
that I wish you diligence, hope
and courage in embracing what
is to come.
Happy Birthday."
such a simple message, yet so aptly and beautifully written, as only Jack can.
and after seeing this pic i took in HK last yr(wow. it's been a yr huh), QJ just reminded me that youth lost is forever; it can never come back.
gettin a haircut tml.
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