SO MUCH has been said about tonight's American Idol, from Lakisha's incredulous rendition of a fellow Idol winner's trademark swansong, to Jordin's sparkling performance. For the benefit of those who didnt watch, in sync with tomorrow's Idol Gives Back 2 hours result show, the Idols sang songs that inspired them tonight. After Sanjaya's departure, it really felt like the show has taken a turn and really just begun. A tall order to be singing "life anthems", but some pulled it off. Here's to quote just a few.
"Ha. my mum hates melinda cos she resembles one of my boastful auntie! U need to listen again!(to Jordin's performance)
Ha. Oh man u ought to see her fly!"- Lionel in an sms. He's referencing the Martina McBride song "Broken wings", which Jordin sang last week, at that final line. I was laughing to myself after that because we were just joking about that earlier on.
So Jordin was the talk all over town tonight. She closed a very special show tonight with "You'll Never Walk Alone" and received rave comments from the judges. Personally, I wasn't THAT impressed yet. And that was what Lionel was trying to tell me in that sms, so I probably would be watching that clip again to see the greatness. It must have slipped pass me. Oops. ahhaha.

Theme: Life Anthems
Song: 'There Will Come A Day' by Faith Hill
My grade: A
Recap: Fearing the worst, as I always do when I hear 'Faith Hill' used in a sentence, this nonbeliever was instead born again thanks to Melinda's stupendous gospel styling. Channeling Jennifer Holliday in a vocal tour de force, Melinda twisted a schmaltzy neo-gospel number into a thing of absolution. She dragged that audience to church in an astounding display of emotional catharsis, encapsulating a season of highs with nary a low and proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is an American Idol. Somewhere, Tim McGraw is filing for D.I.V.O.R.C.E. Run, Melinda. Run away.
My prediction: Oh, 'there will come a day' when you win your first Grammy."- Idol critic jeffrey Christian, on a must-read for Idol fanatics because it's just so darn FUNNY! Non-fanatics should read it too and be converted.
Melinda sang a Faith Hill song, and I love love love. It's been a long time since I've herd a real ballad coming from her. The past few weeks see her trying more upbeat/spunky/sassy performances, in a bid to show her versatility. I thought tonight would be a great chance for her to shine and give that WOW performance Randy was talking about and everyone else was waiting for this season. BUT, it was still a great pro doing her thang. Plus, I liked how she showed a slightly higher tone for tonight's show.

Blake Lewis sang John Lennon's Imagine. given any other contestant, on another night, this would definitely warrant a ghastly comment from Simon. But because it's Idol-Gives-Back week, and everyone's doing a little charity by being nice, Blake was spared the rod. However, I liked his toned-down rendition. Some would believe it hard to sing such a song where there's no actual climax. Well, Hudson did it and shocked us all. So it's actually do-able, just the rendition of it. I thought with just the piano and his specific style, his sincerity pulled through. And I thought his video montage was the most relevant because he talked about how the song changed his life, instead of what the others said about wanting to do this song so that it will change other people's lives because of the message.

Talking about montages, Chris was inspired by Change The World from Eric Clapton?! Is that song really THAT inspirational?! I mean, it's talking about a girl, aint it?!?! Gosh I wished he would have picked a better song. HOWEVER, ironically, it was the first time I actually liked Chris. I thought he was trying not to be nasally this week, and him just sitting down and laying it to the guitar worked for me.
"Recap: For Chris' adenoidal take on 'Change the World', I'll borrow Simon's quasi-praise of Sanjaya two weeks ago: it wasn't horrible. But it was still saturated with enough phlegm-fueled dissonance to reduce me to a state of stupefaction. One of Chris' many curses is that he seems more interested in vocal pyrotechnics than soulful elucidation. After a tuneless though thankfully restrained opening, his vocal histrionics quickly detonated, and I imagined thousands of Cochlea implant recipients stabbing their heads with pitchforks in abject horror. Like last season's Ace Young, Chris is all looks and no substance, although what Ace lacked was the judges' incessant pimping. As if to negate last week's drubbing, Simon heaped unwarranted praise in a seeming scheme to skew 'Idol' to an even younger audience. It's clearly a misguided quest, as Chris' 'Change the World' leaves a taste in your mouth like brushing your teeth with furniture polish."- Idol critic jeffrey Christian, on

Phil. I was hoping he'd be terrible tonight so that Lakisha can stay. But after seeing him, and seeing Lakisha's crime, I've decided, Phil deserves to stay for one more week, whether or not that means Lakisha is going home. He sang a Garth Brook song, which I thought was heartfelt and so much better than anything he did a few weeks back.

Lakisha Lakisha. Kiki sanjaya-ed everyone when she decided to give them something to talk about by singing, yet again, gasp gasp, a former Idol winner's song. Last week, she sang Carrie Underwood's Jesus Take The Wheel, tonight she covered Fantasia Barrino's I Believe, the winning single for Fantasia. Those who have been reading this space for long enough should know that I am a huge Fantasia believer, so much so that i er-hem whenever I see her Bobo performs it. Kiki killed it tonight.
I never thought I'd be saying this, NEVER, but Lakisha has got to be......stupid, to pick that song. It didnt matter that she didnt explain how the song had inspired her. What was more audacious was, I beleive, that SHE believed she could actually pull it off! Singing a song this recent, this distinctly Fantasia's, and singing it to an audience that literally gave Fantasia the votes because of that song is suicide. It is bound to draw comparisons and criticism. I know the judges have told her to take it all the way since she's got the big voice to boot. BUT STILL this is going too far. It has got to be one of the gravest mistakes in Idol history and it should be written in Idol-101: Never sing a past winner's song that will surely draw criticisms. AND do not tell me it's ok for her to choose that song because it inspires her. I am sure she has more than one song. How about Baby Mama by Fantasia? Or The Greatest Love of All by Whitney? heck, To Zion by Lauryn Hill! I am seriously pondering how big her ego has to be to carry that off. What big nerves. (i hope i'm not being evil here cos it's true).
"Sorry. I have just played this 4 times and Kiki doesnt even touch it. Fantasia fuckin rocks this song" - youtube comment. i went to see her performance after i saw Lakisha's as well.
Recap: After last week proved that she's about as country as caviar, tonight LaKisha went for the bronze again by attempting yet another past Idol's theme song. I can only deduce that the poisonous wig-glue must have seeped into that strange infrastructure atop her head, because I could find no other logical reason for Kiki to make the brain-atrophying decision to try and duplicate one of the most monumental musical performances in TV history. Still fresh in the minds of millions, Fantasia's 'I Believe' was guttural, tear-the-roof-off proof that great singers are still born, while LaKisha's was passionless, uninspired and, well, stillborn. She still owes us the soul she promised at the auditions and has seldom delivered since. The Titanic has sunk. The best thing I could say is that it could have been worse: she could have sung a Taylor Hicks song.
My prediction: 'I believe' you'll be going home.
Expert predictions: Access Hollywood, MTV News, TV Guide and Yahoo! TV all think that LaKisha won't be spared from elimination again."-Idol critic jeffrey Christian, on

here's the Fantasia links to truely believe in that song. (performance show) (result show)
pls dun tell me you see any form of semblance. I'd much rather die.

you probably wont see Simon Randy Ryan do these again.