While I've never been a huge MJ fan, but being a music fan, I cant help but feel a tinge of sadness at the passing of a true legend. Arguably the biggest pop star who has ever lived, MJ has the best-selling album of all time with "Thriller". That is the epitome of a classic album - no song goes unnoticed, all of which you've probably heard before. Who can forget the "Billie Jean" MV that revolutionised MTV and accelerated the MTV-gen, and those tiles that light up as he walks on them. I still do the "Beat It" move once in a while, that gang-fight MV and those black leather jackets. And then there's the epic "Thriller" MV, that till today remains the mother of all MV with a story of man-to-werewolf to boot.
And these go without saying: the moonwalk, "black or white", the glove, the crotch-grab, the signature falsetto "whoa!", "ben", "you are not alone", "bad", "ben".
MJ will remain in my mind and heart as the greatest and most successful pop artist of our lifetime. Ask any budding dancer/singer who is their role model, and 1 in probably 5 will name MJ. Look no further than our generation of Usher, Ne-yo, and Chris Brown for proof. "Thriller" will remain as one of the best and grooviest albums I've ever heard.
It's sad how we the exploitative news and scandels have marred his career and overshadowed his music. It's a bigger pity that one only begins to appreciate genius when it's gone. "That you dunno what u've got til it's gone," as Janet Jackson has sung. While the world mourns the death of a true legend, I reflected upon my short existence, sighed at its insignificance, and marveled at true greatness that one could achieve.
Take this time to show your loved ones that you care.
Farewell, Michael Jackson. 1958 - 2009

And while MJ's death may have overshadowed Farrah Fawcett's departure, which is a pity, you have to admire her spirit for putting a long fight against cancer. Our eternal Charlie's Angel.

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