it took me four days of straight-up slacking to realise the true powers of regret. my room is still a heap of mess, heck, it's messier now given i took out my army barang barang in preparation for Sat's possible recall manning. idiots.

the idiots at STARHUB are not giving me my completion bonus. they're blardy makin this difficult for me. i swear tt if i do not get my $1000 for fulfilling tt 9-mth of contract CCC hell, i am goin to write to every single local newspaper possible, in as many languages i can, and then i will protest outside HAW PAR centre if i have to. if thats what it takes to give them eternal damnation and a taste of Loo's hell. IDIOTS.
and i realise that this friend has taught me alot recently. i got my love for loud music from her, which is good cos it keeps me in a good mood. i extended my ah-lian vocab to include "step", "niao ji niao lan", "happy like dog siol", and "hello chinese fooooooooood" (ala Dude where's my Car). also, i learnt tt i will nv go to "ji le shi jie" because i have no "xiu1". so yea. eternal damnation for me as well, together with my Faye Wong cds 6 feet under.
OK SERIOUSLY. i need to read more chinese in order to catch up with my chineeeeeeese friends (not CHINA friends) and understand what they write. i am disgraced at my standard of writing (see above) and shall read more and write better. i am serious.
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