Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"tell me something good"

That was my nick, which is actually a song Jesse Langseth sang on Idol, which rather aptly described what I am feeling this period. Dearest Lixin then told me:

xin: that we will see everyone at css batch chalet and have a whale of a time?

qj: susan boyle has shown the world that one should never cease to dream because there will be a day it will be fulfilled, in one way or another =)

Lionel: good thing: u are still alive and have every chance to make wadever is making u sad right again!

Starion: "dat u have a friend for RT"

Hanguang: a video

Lionel: "shit. much as i hate him, i tink adam will definitely win. his song damn touching. tink will make ur day!

Nicol: that you are more interesting than the boring guys i've been out with =)

Now, won't you tell me something good too?

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