Lady Gaga, who performed during the top 9 result show. fantabulous. see that zipper on her left eye?!?!!

"But the 'Go' in 'Gokey'!"
Danny Gokey Q+A
Who is the person that you would most like to meet?
God. Would he be considered a person or a perfect being?
If you have 24 hours to do anything you wanted, what would you do?
Go to Heaven.
How do you plan on differentiating yourself in the competition?
I'm trying to plan on it.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
To many to list.
If you couldn't sing, which talent would you most like to have?
Motivational speaker.
What are your personal goals in life?
Touch, help and bring hope to as many people as I can. I would like to influence the youth of our day.
What other talents do you have?
Working with children
What's been your favorite moment so far?
Singing "Hero" by Mariah Carey.
Do you have any formal singing training?
Now, tell me that doesnt sound like the most schmaltzy, weirdly paedophilic, and smug q+a you've ever read. And isnt he a singing teachr?! so he taught without proper training?! hmmmmm. allright, all together now, "BUT THE GO IN GOKEY!"

Norman Freaking Gentle

and who can forget, the one and only, TATIANA DEL TORO, who cried, went on her knees, and begged. really ain't too proud to beg. er her her her her.

Megan (Joy)(Corkrey). all together now, CAW! CAW! CAW! These two are my favourite pics. She seemed to be really caw-ing in the second pic. like, really. caw-ing. hard.

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