Wednesday, February 04, 2009


dear all, i will be selling some brand new tees, posters, old magazines, and mayb some books and cds come 7th Feb, Sat, at a void deck near City Harvest Church at Jurong West. it's part of a Flea Market organised by Nanyang CC. it's from 3pm to 9pm.

there will be NO food and services (like massages, manicure, boots-mending) provided. but if u do have time to spare, come pay me a visit la. i might just give u a free cheapskate tee or the poster of ya choice.

as a preview, i will be selling DAVID ARCHULETA POSTER-CALENDAR! hahahahahha. okayy. like anyone care. but if u have a sister or baby who cares (Jake, this is in no way a comment mocking all who enjoys Archie's singing. there's a diff between song lovers and idol-worshipping for their looks. i'm with u on the former heehee), u know where i will be. i will be kiao-ka-ing at the void deck with Susan's cookies, my lay-lio, and tons of kill-time food and reading material.

oh my fren is selling self-made accessories for ya phones and stuff. and susan is selling clothes. so SHOW YOUR LOVE!

k.d. lang came to Singapore a few years ago for a concert to rave reviews. i read about her habit of singing without footwear. although i wasnt a big fan of hers back then, it has been one of the regrets in my life that i didnt catch her when she came.

a regret now becomes a resolution. 101 things to do before i die: catch k.d. lang live without her shoes, serenading me with a heart-wrenchingly powerful version of Hallelujah, AND a caramel coated version of Help Me (optional).

this is one of the greatest songs ever, and her version is my fav, and IMO, the best. Jeff Buckley's comes in at a veryveryvery close 2nd fav.
this is the true sign of a great voice and great singing. and star quality. when it comes to singing, it's just it. there should not be any concerns about sexuality.

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