Monday, January 26, 2009


ok. so CNY visiting for me is pretty much the usual routine: eat, collect ang pow, read some papers, gamble, eat, play with kids. when at grandma's, due to my 1 yr's worth of depravation from cable tv, i will usually watch MTV or some music program. so while channel surfing i caught Jolin Tsai's performance of 舞娘 at the MTV Asia Awards. while i cant find that exact vid on youtube, this vid showed similar moves, albeit the costume not as pretty and the moves not as energetic. nonetheless, it's amazing how challenging this choreography is. the weird timing of the moves, the little shifts here and there, how it's non-repetitive for the most parts, and that ball and tt twirly swirly "cai3 dai4" thing, and that split! WHOA! so much goin on it's as if she's dancing singing looking pretty and doing gymnastics at the same time! gotta admit she's one of the more hardworking girls out there.

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