Instead of spending an evening buried in books, i decided to catch Lions For Lambs at Lido. It wasnt a very productive day anyway. went to look for Auntie Jenny after work, then to Sony Ericsson service centre to service my phone. My second trip in 2 weeks time. the damn loud speaker went bonkers just after 1 fall! and i had just customised my "Good Morning Baltimore" alarm tone. shit. sony-ericsson phones eat dirt.
so. LFL is more than just a politically charged film. it questioned the present state of society 6 yrs after 9/11. youth culture and its decadence. higher education and its loss of idealism. entertainment news and current affair news' values and balance. service to country. personal values and beliefs. potential. what wld we have done differently on 9/12?
i went in to see Meryl, hoping she would jolt me out of my monotous monday blues and give me some life. Meryl being Meryl, the greatest living thespian of an American actress, did a good job. it wasnt a flashy role, nor were there surprises, but Meryl's face always managed to speak a thousand words that simultaneously makes u gawk in awe at her acting chops and feel for her character. playin Janine Roth, a reporter asked to report on the govt's latest plans to win the war on terrorism, she had to question personal beliefs, both past and present, in a regime that is growing increasing weary on the world and America. 6 yrs ago the world was on their(America) side. 6 yrs later they had to face one of the toughest times the country has seen. one cannot help but be jaded and cynical(in her prick retorts to Cruise's lines) to what is offered.
Tom Cruise was surprisingly understated. one might have expected an OTT performance ala Oprah couch jump, or at least some furious love and Scientology professions. or maybe shave his head bald. i must admit that i am embarrassed that i use to like Tom. some said Top Gun or Risky Business made his career. but for me, Rain Man was the epitome Tom performance. i havent seen his Oscar nominated Born On the 4th of July yet, but that character he played in Rain Man was what Tom was best at: the egotistic, confident smooth talker so full of himself that you thought he could get away with his mega-watt smile. so characterised by the likes of Jerry Maguire (the early part of it) and the MI franchise, this is Tom being convincing. he speaks like he believed in everything he said, and you almost joined him cos he was so full of it. for that, i give him props. and i still sorta look forward to the minor stuffs he does like Magnolia and Collateral.
Robert Redford helmed the difficult task of weaving the 3 plot lines together. it was seamless and smooth, and he had to act in it as well! so props. but the best was of cos the story of the two soldier. while it ended in tragedy and did not give the movie a closure (the way reality hasnt got one either), the dramatic irony of it all was how it all came too late. the rescue bombing came after lives were lost, which sums up a portion of the movie's big themes and many questioning: it might be too late now to make amends.
while all the political talk can be muddling sometimes, the questioning of fulfilling one's "potential" struck deep. was "potential" cultivated or inate? can fulfilling one's "potential" guarantee an easy life? is trying ever enough? and what happens to those who were never seen for their "potential"?
so skipping studies for the theatre was worth it. i needed that jolt to get me out of my state of ambivalence then. and they say movies are forms of escapism. what is wrong with that, if it only encourages you to live stronger and bolder.
back to mugging.
i cant wait for Cate. i bought the OST alrdy.

i hope Nicole makes me hate her so much i wana kill her. i hope she matches Miranda Priestley in devilish quality and return to form ala Moulin Rouge. bold. lush. such a surprise.

the huge wallpaper at Lido of Nicole is drool-worthy.
SICKENING that my phone was sent for service. i wana take photoooo!
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