Monday, September 10, 2007


BRITNEY is back with her new single GIMME MORE. but all i wana really scream and say is: GIMMMMMME MOREEEEEEEE!!! take a look at her in her prime, sans boa, gyrating, and that to-kill body. then watch her much awaited/debated opening for the VMAs yesterday. she looked like she was pregnant all over again with two kids, sans bad lip-synch, unbelievably fugly wig, and worse dance moves. it seems like her dance skills were gone with her hair, and she's reduced from a front-runner to a backup. even her dancers were more entertaining. and thou the song is catchy, it sounds like an early 2000 Dark Child reject, with no vocal challenge at all. sighhhh.i know i am a lil too critical. but c'mon Britney.she's the supposed queen-of-pop of our time. surely she cld gimme moreeeee. no excuses man!

fyi if the AOL vid dun work:

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