8.30pm. bin+fren and Bee+junwei. Max Pavilion. small crowd. huge white cloth with flashing video montage. huge white cloth falls. Cheer in long white dress and guitar. thankfully a different lineup and setup from Taipei 花的姿态 dvd. shaven basist's hair grown out. Q-mo still ard. one of the ensemble looks like guang-liang, da-bing, and liang wen fu all together at the same time. one fan looks like chen-lei. realised lead guitarist is Cheer's bf. 躺在你的衣柜 was done twice, once unplugged, once rocked out. my fav 小步舞曲 was disappointedly not unplugged. 告诉我 got everybody singing along out the loudest. lotsa sing alongs. drawings on the guitar. few costume changes. plenty of guitar swopping.让我想一想. 还是会寂寞. 华丽的冒险. 1234567. after 17. 旅行的意义 got the hardcores wearing helmets. hated Sentimental Kill and its faux masquerade mask and glove accessory as glove is too cliche-rock. good singers close their eyes when singing. Faye. Jacky. tousled hair. nifty guitar picks. sentimental bkgrds. disco ball. havoc after she got down to the crowd during 女明星. no one sat after. everyone was standing on their seats. my first experience. glad it was a totally different lineup. one raised a Taiwan flag. two raised ENCORE billboards in chinese. rebirth is a piece of summer. 11.30pm. 30+ songs. 5 hardcore encore. 5 ENCORES. a piece of summer, a piece of you.
white banner/cloth
nobody sat down since the second half
final encore to white florescent lights
the faithful finally departs
陈绮贞 - A Piece Of Summer Live in Singapore. one of the most amazing concerts i've been to. 5 encores. now, I'm a fan.
caught Waitress with Quin today. gorgeous Keri Russell of lovely locks and wide eyes i've loved since Felicity heydays. i'm a fan. and it's nice to see her in a comeback role that's widely received with praises. she plays a repressed waitress stuck in a marriage and cafe, with pie-making her only relief, until Dr Pammeter came along.
what was most ironic was how the director passed shortly after this film. She plays a supporting role in the movie as well. Adrienne Shelly, while bringing humour to the dimwit and naive role she plays, also directed this movie with sensitivity. the characters were well-loved thou flawed, except for mayb the damn husband. but hey, he's succeeded by making us hate him. those 'dear baby' monologues felt like Keri Russell's character in Felicity, when earlier in the seasons she use to record her 'dear Sally' thoughts into tapes and send them over to her voice pal/best friend (Sally of cos). Sally wld usually reply when the episode's gonna end, with highly quotable one-liners that rounds up every cherry feeling inside. While Quin saw the negative msg of how a marriage, no matter how loving one party is, will inevitable lose its spark and sag, spinning off into love affairs and the need to have babies to spark it up, Joe's "start fresh" was wat hit me the most. i'm glad the film didnt not encourage having extra marital affairs (although they did have a fling going on). and i'm glad the ending was one everybody wld love. wats not to love a cute girl in a yellow dress.
for me, there was an element of surprise. i didnt know what was gonna come, whether the cuckold husband was gonna find out the affair, or whether Jenna was teethering on spending the rest of her life stuck in a broken marriage. on top of the fortune-cookie rosy lines, the smart, subtle twists and surprises (oh that kiss!) are what really made me love this film.
its so much easier to hack everything. there's so much that i wana say, yet i do not know where to begin. i was feeling moody, until i heard 人间 on the stereos of the toilet. i was feeling alone, until the taxi uncle humoured me with his sexual escapades. it's one of those days where everything that could go wrong, will go wrong. i come back home, and see my poster lying on the floor. and now i sit in front of a screen, tryin desperately to make sense and convince myself that all is fine. everyone has bad days. so what makes mine different from others'?
get a grip of yourself dude.
Friday, September 21, 2007
What's the use of regretting not having done enough now. i have only myself to blame. and i do hope this is for the better, that it comes as a relief, rather than deprivation. to all my dear friends, i love you.
Daughtry showcase at St James today was awesome. it was an acoustic set and Chris sounds as good live. pity it wasnt a full fledge gig. pity i didnt know all the lyrics to the songs. pity they didnt rock harder(thou i like the acoustic set anyhow). the drummer's look was pretty hilarious though, highly orgasmic expression. and the company of Quin, Haz, Gerald, Zif and Linda was greaaaattt.
Dear all, pls take time out to read this.my dear friend "Nincompoop" Ruifen is doing this for a meaningful cause.
Dear friends,
For a few years now, I have been wanting to do something hopefully, halfway, earth-shattering to mark my youth. Something meaningful. (I must inform you that I've just graduated from Uni, almost in despair). The point is, I've always wanted a good cause to contribute towards, and I wanted for the cause to be sustainable and vital.
I've found it, a cause worth investing in. It is with an organization called Students Partnership Worldwide. An organization which will tackle development through youths, using youths. An organization that will give me the opportunity to go to Nepal for seven months to work with youths who lack proper access to important information and opportunities.
Part of the pre-trip excitement and anxiety (you can never tell, they come together) means that I had to set up a blog to detail the 101 thoughts I keep buzzing in my head all day about my upcoming life in Nepal. I am also fund-raising to support the organization that will send me there, so the blog will be a convenient billboard for me to advertise to potential Samaritans.
Therefore, since the blog is up, I boldly ask you to give my cause your attention, and for you to drop by for a visit. Its www.pledgingnepal.wordpress.com. Please excuse the core narcissism of it all, and read about one girl's desperation to go to Nepal, to understand another way of life. The contents of it won't be meaningful just yet, but I promise it will be, soon enough.
Most sincerely, Ruif.
p/s. Pass it forward! Your forwarding this email, will cost you ten seconds, but will bring me much joyful moral support. Thank you!
Quin and I experienced temporary escapism when we caught Hairspray today. it is one of the best movies i've seen this year. by a mile. throughout the show i couldnt wipe the smile off my face. The opening number proved what a budding talent Nikki Blonsky is. SHE CAN SING! it sets the mood for the rest of the movie: high energy throughout, very very catchy tunes, and splendid dance routines that makes you wana tap ya feet or, heck, stand up and jive. i hate to say this, but it's so much better than Dreamgirls!
i love how it manages to blend heart and a positive msg, without being cliche or preachy. for the 1 hr and 20 mins, it felt like the world really didnt care if u're plus-size or black. to dare to be different and really go for what u want. and to fight for it. to discover your true talent and stand up for what is right, even if it makes you different from everyone else. it all sounds like a huge American Dream in disguise. i don't deny. but what's so bad if it sends u re-evaluating and thinking.
for that short duration, Hairspray fulfilled the true cinematique experience of transcendance. simply put, temporary escapism that makes you forget the sorrows of present day and look forward to making a difference.
and in the words of another movie i caught the day before (Evan Almighty. Lauren Graham alert!!! Steve Carrell rocks!!!): ARK: "an Act of Random Kindness", can change the world.
and speaking to Vincent made me realise i really should be more generous with selflove.
and while John Travolta reminded me of Miss Piggy, Christopher Walken dancing in a musical reminded me of this MV he did a long time ago. it remains, till today, one of the best MV i've seen by far. so if there's any video u sld watch this week on this site (i'm using the same tactic. but trust me when i promise u tt), make it this one. Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice.
there is nothing left for me to write here it seems. a few days ago i met up with some old friends. some were driven and wants to change policies. others were successful in their own rights. makes me wonder what i've been doin with myself. yesterday i felt redundant. unhappy with everything about myself. i need to become a better version of me.
this is beginning to sound like the whining of a twelve yr old's blog.
BRITNEY is back with her new single GIMME MORE. but all i wana really scream and say is: GIMMMMMME MOREEEEEEEE!!! take a look at her in her prime, sans boa, gyrating, and that to-kill body. then watch her much awaited/debated opening for the VMAs yesterday. she looked like she was pregnant all over again with two kids, sans bad lip-synch, unbelievably fugly wig, and worse dance moves. it seems like her dance skills were gone with her hair, and she's reduced from a front-runner to a backup. even her dancers were more entertaining. and thou the song is catchy, it sounds like an early 2000 Dark Child reject, with no vocal challenge at all. sighhhh.i know i am a lil too critical. but c'mon Britney.she's the supposed queen-of-pop of our time. surely she cld gimme moreeeee. no excuses man!
fyi if the AOL vid dun work: http://music.aol.com/video/gimme-more-mtv-vma-2007/britney-spears/1969376
after gruelling nights of wee morning cramping, i have FINALLY completed my assignments. hoorayyyyy!!!! this means i can spend more time catchin up on movies and tv, doin prom stuff, catch up my lib books, and, yes, prepare for my next assignment. =(
i got my limited edition air-flown-in Chet Lam EP yesterday! woots! 5 great canto covers. gosh i love it! here's some pics, and some overdue pics.
tsian yang bday at marina sq
meetup with slackin gang @ smu ice-cold-beer. the place was pretty warm thou.
shujun bday at clarke quey and susan bday at st james