attending her wedding and Sgt Allan's before made my heart melt. to spend the rest of ya life with someone u love is a wonderful, yet terrifying thing as well i fugured. but i am sure they will be together for a very very long time. =) Shir is officially the third friend my age who has gotten married (first being Rismin, second Idah), and its the 3rd wedding i've attended.
seeing Ris, and then seeing Shir, and then having the best talk with Andy since we met, was all a litle overwhelming. it kinda made me dun wana grow up. if only we stopped puberty at 18, relived this bliss and fun in JC, it might be a great feeling. the impending fact that we are getting older day by day somehow makes us more vulnerable, despite "wisdom" and age and all tt comes with aging. i guess when one grows up, one has to leave the shelter and step out into the unknown. and most of the time, we're very alone.
i'm glad they've found someone to walk thru the difficult life with. =)
while Shir is busy with all the socialising, we took pleasure in cam whoring with Zif's new toy. i tell u, it's so much fun.

my first fork-spoon wedding dinner
the yum-seng
the cam whoring gang

"the baby!"

"look at the bird!"

"shit! on our shoulders!" (faizal's idea)

our resident photog for the night
the dress
congratulations and many well wishes to my dearest President and her husband. May they have bliss and happiness from henceforth to eternity.
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