in the end, i think i pulled it off. i've gone beyond my comfort zone and into unchartered territories in terms of scale. i've managed to sort of lead my committee members well. overworked and underappreciated, my Programme Committee members were the ones that made all of it happen. i regret not giving them more credit, like putting their names on the videos and slide shows.
but ultimately, being part of this event is more than creating a display of hot air and grandeur. on top of making this event a memorable one for the graduating kids, my personal goal was to push my own limits, lead a group of j1 students to success and pushing them to be better than they are. on top of having fun of cos, thou it was more work than fun. and i think i've fulfilled that to a certain extend. i've seen them come up with things that they are proud of, from doing something that they've nv tried before.
i'm proud of each of them for pulling this off and being the most hardworkin of the bunch. i'm lucky that my juniors were relatively better in comparison to all the bad stuff i hear about the juniors in the other committees. seeing them grow and learn from their mistakes have been the most rewarding part of the entire journey.
Kelman, for the multiple editing done to the videos, and for learning programs tt he's not apt previously. his videos were the only thing that made them sit and watch quietly. i almost teared at the video because everybody was just standing around and walkin around before that.
Juang Shiow, for being the most proactive and dedicated of the bunch, who is constantly tryin to cover as many areas as possible, while remainin calm and collected as a stage manager. i see great potential in her.
Felice and Diana, for coming up with the decor ideas. though raw at first, but they had some pretty amazing ideas. for all the sheer hardwork and time put into the decor, they deserve all the credit.
hongyu, for rising up to the occasion and coming despite his illness. i see him grow slightly as well =)
Juanita, for learning and growing. i hope this experience has taught her more and made her stronger.
with MAR com, our best comm frens
installing the backdrop at 12mn the night before.
the stage backdrop, in full runway glory. when pulling it down, a whift of air swept over me, standing at the end of the runway. for the 3hours that it was on stage, seen by many, it was my proud realisation of a dream and the hardwork of many. thanks to my cousin for willingly and readily agreed on helping with the initial design. to bec, who made changes to the design one day before her flight despite time not being on her side, and for having to find time to come online and send me the design again urgently. the credit goes to both of u, and i cant thank you enough.
i am glad that people went on stage and took a picture with it after the event =)it has served its purpose well.
the balloon arc
my movie exhibition section.
PJ, baoyue, jon, nat
me, pj, baoyue
with cheng yi, the amazing beatboxer.
me and ms Brampy
i have many to thank, and Jess is one of them. she made the movie exhibition the highlight of the decor with tt stunnng NOW SHOWING sign. she came along at the right time and god-sent. =) a pity we didnt have more time to work together again. THANKS JESS.
for the junior helpers, who were more dedicated than anyone else in the org com. the guy beside me, jiacheng, was the most hardworking, dependable, caring and reliable J1 i've ever seen. he got chingy water, helped elaine carried her laptop, profusely emitted 'thank you's, and helped me with loaddssss of logistics. there was this one incident, while lockin up LT5, i left my laptop on the table cos my hands were full. he carried it for me, without me askin, and followed me around while i lock the various doors like my personal PA. ahhaahahhaah. we need more people like him in this world man. he has the potential to be a great humanitarian.
sure, there were screw-ups, and there's many areas tt i have yet to cover. the sound system was one thing that i regretted doing. jason and his crew were inapt for events of this scale, and they were unprepared, complacent, and full of hot air. the music was too loud/soft at times, and some mics were softer than the others. and the emcee's opening act cld have been more well-prepared.
the months and months of preparation were finally over, and i can rest my tired mind and body now. the amount of work i've done for this has been the most i've done, which is ironic because i should be doin more for CSS. but this has given me the experience to give back more to CSS, and i believe that it has been a good exposure. the aftermath remains to be cleared, but i'm glad i can stop aging in speed and have space on my mind for other things. i'm not sure if i will be back next yr for another round of slogging. but i wld love to see these j1s that i've worked with and see them grow during their prom next yr.
there was the moment in the video that moved me. there was Ying Peng and Elaine's beautiful beautiful beautiful rendition of Come What May. there was my proud choice of Coldplay's Viva La Vida and Mark Ronson's God Put a Smile On Your Face during our walk in. and then there was the 3-song collage played to Wherever You Will Go, God Bless the Broken Road, and So Close. Though it's played during their first dish course, and they were busy eating, but Kelman's impeccable arranging of these 3 songs together was one of my favourite moments. the subtitle display was also very nciely done. i need to load it on youtube and show everyone. the last 2 songs were personal favourites, and So Close has been in my head since yesterday. it's perfect for the night.
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