I wasn't close to my grandpa at all. Due to some fued, me and some of my cousins from the same batch never really connected with him. If I were critical, we were merely following through the motions. Of course there were moments of pity at the depart of a family member, but everyone was consumed with the logistics of the funeral that it left not much time for tears.
It was a state of excess: burning paper, food, lots of drinks, trash, noise, banners, etc etc. I almost witnessed a gang fight (my uncle invited his "friends" along), saw long-lost relatives, and saw with my own eyes family unity. The final burning of house and cars and everything extravagant sumed it up.
Being back in the restraints of the disciplined and routine army life made me miss the carefree and simplistic environment, which some may deem as "protected" or "entrapped". We sleep before 12midnight for most nights, three meals provided, and we exercise. We have lunch and rest until 1.30pm, and are free for most nights after dinner. Away from the rest of the world, free time was spent playing "dai-dee", eating tidbits, and making fun of one another. I miss that kind of lifestyle. Once away from it, I felt like I needed to treasure my time out more because so much was spent doing nothing much. It made me feel like i can achieve more with 24hours, that the possibilities are limitless.
Being in the company of married men who drive also hit me, that I need to discover what I truely want out of life.
The reservist coincides with my half-yr resolutions, and the haircut symbolises a new phase of the year. I do not regret the haircut. Good men look stunning in anything. =) This is, again, the year I live better.
In her prime, Faye Wong's vocals can do wonders. This is, IMO, the best version of this song, chinese or english, male or female covered. Ethereal vocals aside, the twists and notes in this song are killers, and Faye's vocals sound like a remarkable acrobat. a must-watch.
this song is tragic. it's all about the voice.

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