9.20am, get outta bed to get ready.
9.50am, leave house.
10.16am, MRT reaches JE.
10.35am, MRT reaches Raffles Place.
10.46am, reach Dhoby Gaut after a 6-7mins wait for MRT.
10.50am, reach office, make tea.
11.00am, first call of the day.
2.30pm, lunch break on Sat/Sun.
3.00pm, knock off on Mon/Fri.
5.00pm, knock off on Sat/Sun.
that's a typical day at the call centre.
today marks my final day at Haw Par Centre, one of my workplace for 9mths. workin as a CCC (customer care consultant) with StarHub wasnt a job i particularly fancy. therefore i never expected myself to feel emotional today. All these while i have been looking forward to this day, but when it finally arrives, i cant help but to feel a pang of sadness; not at the familarity of the job, but at all the friends that i have made, the regret at not having the time to know them better. perhaps it was the sake i had at ajiteh tt made me so emotional. wine/alcohol always make me candid and susceptible to emotions. here's a lookback at the past 9mths.
Training days.
the enjoyable lunch during training phase. the place has since been renovated. it's a bar by night, hawker by day bar.
eileen's birthday.
with the trainers.
Shannon's bday party at Ritz Carlton Suite! SWEET! marvelous view!!!
my makeshift desk.
my locker.
Jac, my fellow theatre/movies/arts partner-in-crime. she's been like a mama to me, and she treats me like the little bro she nv had. haha. while studyin at marina sq mac one day i chanced upon her walkin past, apparently shopping, with a grin on her face. the next day i told her and we began talkin about movies(she just came out fr one tt day) and etc etc etc. the course of our friendship changed forever then. =)
Marco Yeo Chye Poh has been like a brother to me. i miss callin him by his chinese name and hearing ppl call him "mar-guo-ger". he is labelled Mr StarHub because he works the most OT. he was my double-banker durin my days as a new hire. i've learnt abundant from him, all i know he imparted me. i still remember how he has to clear my shit even before i was on the job. during training, i accidentally terminated a customer's line wrongly, and he, being my future teammate then, had to help me callback cust and clear things up. i was so embarrassed and thought he might give me a hard time when i start work. turns out everything was allright. me being nice and naive, i even believed him when he said he was gonna go to thailand for 2 days for a religious dinner, with air fare paid for by his friend. it didnt sound entirely unbelievable. after tt i found out from a common friend tt he was merely takin a 3 day leave!!
goin to work and seeing him and jac gave me a sense of security tt i have ppl to depend on. they made the place familiar and tt much bearable and less hostile. i will miss them.
i dun have much friends over at SH. amazing but true. in a way, i nv realy broke out of my shell to people outside my part-time team. It's prob due to the nature of the job. or my considerably "short" stay. i am equally puzzled at how some ppl would rather pay $1000 to break their contract and get out of this job, and how some ppl managed to stay on for more than 1 yr.
thou i cant say for sure that the friends i've made will be for lifelong, but i'm glad that thruout my stay, seeing some of them really did make a difference to working. i guess it's how much we keep in touch with one another from now on. it feels like ORD all over again.
and onto a new phase,
i embark.
GASPS. You look like.......
You've slimmed down! Don't lose too much slp over work sia...
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