the past 2 weeks were very celebratory. annual movie marathon/vj's farewell/jenni's bday countdown party at szechao's place on 29th was so much fun. i've never laughed louder and more painfully this yr. what a closer. it's all joanna's fault. she had me in stitches while we're playin charades.
jenni with xin's self-made oreo cheesecake
charades team version 1
Kung! bushmen
Kitchen gossippers
then on new yr's eve, i realise i'm suffering from the "alumni withdrawal symptoms", and wanted to celebrate the countdown with a group of ppl this yr. i didnt wana spend a celebration alone at home, watchin adrian pang/gurmit singh havin fun while tidyin up my bedroom. so we went to settlers cafe. aiwei,xin,vj,susan,jenni,bee,junwei, cheryl,art. aiwei got soaked TWICE, and we all deduced tt she's gonna be rich this yr. then we checked out ALL the ktvs in chinatown before deciding its too expensive and we all just chilled to beer at a bar beside the "river". me xin aiwei chatted till 4.30 while waiting for aiwei's face to decolourise. it was a aneh-free (almost), yet lively celebration.
i love these people more and more. i miss it. love love love.
2007 didnt close with a bang as i had wanted. the yr in hindsight felt rushed, and i didnt accomplish alot as far as i'm concerned. (so i made up for it with some shopping. Into The Wild and Radiohead's new album, and some 2nd hand cds). first day of 2008 and it didnt start off well either. am i expecting too much out of myself? or am i underachieving? 2008, you shall be the one i'm waiting for.
instead of sleep
i watched u
i tried to find traces
yet i realise
what i need
is to find another you.
Your celebration sounded interesting...
I counted down with 2 old folks at home - my parents.
Real boring stuff... but i thought i like the calm and peaceful 'celebration' of new year day. It is not really a celebration to begin with. But prior to that, we had a 10 course meal at my sis's boyfriend's house. And finally, my parents allowed me to drive alone that night... quite a breakthrough for the last day of 2007.
Take care and love your family members! Hee...
if so, its a rare guest! hahahahaha
hope u're doin well. eh why sat cant come! come leh!
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