my celebration sorta started on 23rd when me, haz, quin caught The Kite Runner before celebrating it at NYDC with shu and marcus' addition.
the joke of the day: "jack helped u off the horse. will u help jack off the horse?"
courtesy of Marcus. hahah. and the scandelous couple treated us to Boo Boo.
then i met up with Eugene and Fairoz after a 1 yr hiatus. that 2 ass went Bk without tellin me. and its always nice to catch up with them cos they're hilarious =)
then on 27th the army dudes sprang me a surprise with a guitar! and i have Justin and Mel C to thank. i know u 2 are reading this. thanks guys for the huge surprise. it's one of the best presents i've received in my life. HOW DO I TOP TT MAN. awesome. it was the longest shock i had when receiving a present. thanks guyssss.
so we went ktv. and justin and Simon's shirts were so power i gotta take a pic.
emo chonghan
mel c
with boo
lai on the right
my new wife
then monday. WORK. sians.
had dinenr with Arthas and Guowei in the evening. the guys treated me to swensen and gave me a surprise with the bday cake. and if i'm not wrong, the table beside was also celebratin a birthday, and i think i saw nat ho fr project superstar.

after that its me and aiwei's celebration at her place. sumptuous food! endless dumplings! spicy spag! yes i do love them all lorr. even thou they're not SELF-MADE dumplings or first-grade spag sauce. hahahahahah. and bec's fried tofu/potato rox. =)
and they got me a shaver! ahhahaha. and jenni made me this really coOl wishlist "barfday sarplise" book tt really surprised me. hahah. thanks tall one for the sweet value-addedness. =)=)=)
tallone's self made barfday sarplise list =)
"dumplings rock". literally. hahahahaha
this yr i wasnt really in the mood to celebrate my birthday. nothing went wrong, but i just felt like January went by so fast that my bday came by as fast as it went away. i'm not sure if its the wishlist i had or wat, but in a way, i felt embarrassed at all the extravagance. when zif wanted to spring me a surprise in sch with my fellow ex-co (but cldnt cos i hav no lessons and i had dinner plans), i felt embarrassed cos the others dun rcv the same treatment. when jen and co wanted to get me a guitar initially and even went as far as sourcing for the shop and visiting it, i felt touched and felt that they shldnt have. when mel and justin booked the ktv and the rest just left like flies, me as an organiser understand how it feels when ppl dun pay up their share of the present and leave early to spoil the fun and my ehart goes out to them(mel, get those money back!). when Art spent his meagre allowance on an extravagant meal, i felt a pinch in my heart as well(thou i'll be treating him back, but he sldnt have). belle said something tt really made sense yesterday. as you grow older, u start to filter ya friends. i'm glad tt thruout the past few yrs, i've managed to see who are the ones that truely stay, and who are the ones who love me despite my imperfections. to all those who've made 28th a blast, thank you for being part of it, and for creating one of the first best memories of 2008.
frens forever, love you deep deep.
wah raoz!!! We were >>this close<< to getting you a guitar set.. like looking for the shop in a certain building already. I think we've got telepathy with your army friends... Heh.
I've got a guitar at home collecting dust also, we learn guitar together!!
- the really tall one
hey hey!!! i've got a guitar collecting dust at home too!! my safari babes got it for me for my 21st!! soooo...... shall we all learn guitar really soon??!!!!
- bellllllllllllllllle
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