drains were overflowing...
pavements junctions were flooded...
thankfully i didnt wash my fav Havaianas flip-flops in the morning as planned. the downpour did all the dirty job for me...
yet it did not discourage the crowd queueing for Suria's Anuggarah contest.
it caused much inconvenience today, yet it was so refreshing to have such heavy relief; purging, yet so playful. in a way, it beats being dry and watchin from inside, knowing that everything is happening outside yet all you can do is watch.
this might be an optimism streak.
something from EW...
"What does it mean to inspire? To produce or arouse creative ideas and actions in others. To bring about innovations in one's chosen endeavor that elicit envy, admiration, and (inevitably) imitation - not to mention outright theft. To breathe life into something, just by being. To do cool things, and to look damned cool doing them..."
Reader's Choice...
43% of ew.com voters picked John Lennon's "Imagine' as the most inspiring political anthem.
22% - Lee Greenwood's "God bless the USA"
19% - Public Enemy's "Fight the power"
16% - Bob Dylan's "Blowin in the wind"
"i was inspired by the season 1 finale to start meeting people in airport bars. less than a year later, i met this amazing woman at the Munoz Marin airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico. the woman is now my fiancee, and i can say for 100 percent certain that i would never have met the love of my life without Lost" - Enrique
'Foo Fighters'
"there are tons of things that inspire me, but the most recent would be their song "Best of you". i finally had to accept that my crummy job was getting the best of me and that it was time to get a new job. i've never been happier in my life." - A.A
'Melissa Etheridge'
"I had just lost my father to cancer, and seeing her singing "pieces of my heart" at the 2005 Grammys while battling cancer herself really spoke to me, and inspired me to take challenges head on and not let them beat me." - Kim
'The Muppet show'
"in my baby book, my mom lists this as my favourite tv show. as i grew up, the muppets helped shape my sense of humour, my imagination(important, as i am a creative writer), my curious mind, and my sense that everyone has worth, even monsters" - Josh
'brokeback Mountain'
"it drives me to live the life i want to live. the scene that really gets me is when Jack remembers Ennis' embrace before he leaves for the last time. you can't miss out on happiness because of society or anyone else, because once it's gone, it's gone." - Junior
'Ordinary People'
"this book taught me that it is important to understand, forgive, and love others, but much more important to understand, forgive, and love yourself." - Christopher
so, what inspires YOU?
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