i finally took the time out to catch Half Nelson at The Picture House with Quin. a spur with unknown origin had me craving to catch The King as well, but there were no more screenings. what a waste.
my virginal entry into the Picture House and of cos the first thing that grabbed my attention was how comfortable the seats were. it was spacious and the back-rest was tall enough even for me to rest my head occasionally. leg space so wide i can even stretch my legs. when the movie finally came on, it was TOTALLY dark. u know how certain theatres can never be totally dark due to the size and the side/floor lights, but this wasnt one of them. thou i wasnt able to bring any food/drinks in(why was there a drink holder then?!, it's still aight cos i dun really like to drink/eat inside anyway. i think it sorta tempers with the experience.
Half Nelson is about a young History teacher (Ryan Gosling) in a Black class by day, drug addict by night. his "secret" was soon found out by one of his students, and they develop an intricate relationship that goes beyong teacher-student.
in a way, it's a comin-of-age movie. shot like a true-blue independent movie that felt a lil choppy for me initially, i soon got into the mood and was tryin to piece everything together while marvellin at their acting. art-house flicks are not in-ya-face: much of it is left to the audience interpretation. music was limited and doesnt set the mood for you, therefore it's very important the performances connects. i thought Ryan Gosling was great. that decadent, laid back, tormented, yet wanting to make a difference conflict was nailed. i cldnt keep my eyes off him. it's like a train-wreck u cant stop watching. some performances resonate after u leave the theatre. you cant take ya mind off it and wished there was more. this was one of it.
oh and he made me wana grow a beard.
Shareeka Epps was intriguing as well as Drey, the student who found out. herself facing a conflict of her own, she strives to find out what is the right thing to do. she's intense, with that look on her face.
there wasnt any breakout moments for either of them, yet i enjoyed it much. i didnt know wat to make out of the bigger msg, with those interweaving history clips. and i still cant get the title (after a Wiklopedia search, Half Nelson is like some kind of wrestling with one hand that goes from under the armpit to the back of the head). i guess i'll have to wait for the dvd den.
next up: Dreamgirls. Notes on a Scandal. Little Children. prob Letters from Iwo Jima as well.
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