den we passed by a TCC tt had seats tt looked very comfortable, and decided to chill there. the lighting was perfect, hence the lovely pictures in the following.
Dark Devotion. i mistook it for Dark Delusion.
after the rampage
the pinup boy and girl for TCC. he made the lavender tea look great to drink haha.
these lovelies gave me an angpow labelled IPOD FUND. hahaha. but after yesterday's discussion, i should probably rename it MP3 FUND. when i opened up, i got a shock cos it's quite abit of cash. thanks guys for all the love! truely appreciate it.
den it's off to KTV with my MJ colleagues. same as usual, we sang to the dawn. here's my lovely bday present from them.
goodbye dirty old $4 pasa-malam sneakers
hello Converse Pirate sneakers!
at photog Shawn's request to look excited at cutting cake.
i am not in pain. i am laughing at a joke i cant recall now.
the other bday boy. i love this shot
with the yao nie.
i felt the blues today, withdrawal symptom from all the fun i had yesterday. i realise i miss my colleagues alot. it felt like an eternity since i last met Mosquito and Shawn and just sitting down catching up was such a ...relief. and refreshing. and visiting my grandma at the hospital aint exactly a great follow-up act. she insisted my hair was too long and in her words, said i look inhuman. my hair was the topic for much of the visit, much to my disdain. and she even suggested i get it cut from my dad. but i told a straight "i'm not gonna cut my hair" to her. after realising it might be too harsh, i salvaged it by saying i'll go cut abit ( i plan to trim it anyway). a slight distraction until the CNY reunion dinner. at one point i felt like just taking my bag and leave, as disrespectful as it might be. i know they have my intentions at heart, but after today, it only prompted me to live a life for myself. as yet, i feel no obligation to anyone about my actions. and i'm glad to see my big aunt. she stood by me and made those comments bearable. when i was younger, so much of the attention was placed on my lil sis and my younger cousin, that it was my aunt who really doted on me the most. seeing her everytime is a relief. it's like finally there's someone who'll be standing by me just for the way i am.
this year's celebration has been a tough act for me to follow. looking back, i am at a lost as to how i sld repay everyone's kindness. it's overwhelming. not that i am boasting about it, but instead, i am truely humbled and ashamed at all the attention i get.
and Yaonie, i love the xmas present, albeit the paper is damn terok and it cld have been much better if u had written legibly, nicely, and on proper paper instead of wat looked like an oversized bus ticket! haha. and yes, it was very budget, but i didnt mind. i got it. and FYI, i was damn sad cos u missed my bday. seriously. there's a few ppl i didnt expect wld forget. but oh well. i'm goin to learn not to expect too much lar. as much as u did NOT get the present OR the cake, seeing you yesterday and just hearing ya stories was really good. and as much as i might seem uninterested at ya stories or not paying attention sometimes, i am not. and i'm not just talking bout yesterday. sometimes u tell me so much that i'm ashamed at not being able to remember all of it. so forgive me if i forgot who did what or when why how. tanks for the friendship. friends forever(till the next time u miss my bday again!)ya.
and i finally got my Imogen Heap cd. at a whopping price of $33 thou. heartache. but luckily i had the HMV voucher from css peeps. i shall save the remainings for my much-desired-since-so-long-ago, erhem, Felicity season 3 boxset.
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