Friday, October 15, 2010


i should be writing about other things, but as usual music dominates.
i really like Christina Aguilera's latest album Bionic. 'Not Myself Tonight', 'WooHoo', and 'Elastic Love' are just crazy catchy, and i almost forgot that MIA helped her on this album. WooHoo is a cheeky reference to the, erm, groin area, and all expletives and anatomical references were replaced with a very ambiguous WooHoo. niceeeee =)

i love how in 'Not Myself Tonight', the MV is racy and raunchy, with a look and set that resembles Madonna in Express Yourself. Since the song is about one night of fun that is against who she is entirely, the sexy vid is rather ironic, cos we've all seen Xtina play dirrty before. (maybe she IS a convent girl afterall). and was she trying to break away from the Madge reference (ie: this is not me. not myself tonight) by pulling out that look? hmmmmm

'I am', 'You Lost Me' and 'Lift Me Up' are gorgeous ballads that i have on replay now. and with the recent news of her divorce, it only becomes more timely as i try to connect the dots with these songs. so there's plenty of ways to interpret the divorce.

i just found the ballads very very suitable for my mood these few days.

'I Am'

'I am' stripped

'You Lost Me'

'Lift Me Up', from the Hope For Haiti concert. Linda Perry on the piano. Beautiful

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