The caption for the above photo reads:
"Downward dog Will we ever be able to think about this scene and not cry?"
I'm obsessed over LOST lately. 3 episodes into the final season, and i cant wait to finish them all. But i have to finish Doc Jensen's recaps and theories and Totally 'LOST' videos on s5 first before i can proceed further. and because i do not have a smart phone, i've copied exhaustively all the recaps onto Microsoft Word (a grand total of at LEAST 100 pages, font size 8), only to realise that Doc Jensen actually has LOST THEORIES articles after each episode too. By then i was too exhausted and decided i should just read the theories online, the recaps on paper while i am on the road. but all these are worthwhile.
After i've seen LOST, everything else just feels like second rate. PREDATORS' theme of strangers-dropped-on-an-island-for-greater-mission, and them discussing whether they're in purgatory or in a game just had me in cynical inside-laughs at how tired this idea is, and how badly they're writing the lines and picking the characters. they're 1D in comparison to Sun/Jin's epic star-crossed romance, or even John's faith.
While watching INCEPTION, i related the dream extractions to LOST's time-travelling stories, and wished the minds of one criminal has more intrigue and interests rather than a similar replication of the modern world, albeit the action sequences and JGL's zero-gravity scenes are to-die-for. I wished they have more dimensions than the mythologies of the LOST universe.
There's so much i can say about LOST and its tales that it's difficult to encompass all within an entry. but i can say, that i'm so emotionally invested in the show it's unbelievable. i stopped myself from reading spoilers when copy/pasting the final season's recaps. but when i saw the picture above of Jack, face defeated and hands covered in blood, a stark contrast to S1E1's opening scene, and then a dog by its side as a drastic comparison - life and imminent death, man and animal, grappling and abundant cuteness - it just did it for me. The stage is set for an imminent death, and i don't think i am ready for it.
In many case, Jack Shepard is the character i most identify with. the reluctant hero, the one trying to please everyone, the doctor always trying to fix things, the man with issues and inner demons. but above everything else, Jack is like everyone; human, and flawed.
The day i watch that scene will be a very sad day indeed.

Sarah McLachlan - Fear
they say that limits us from getting out of our comfort zone, to play 10/10 or more.
(but isnt 10/10 still within the comfort zone? but that's for another day)
Every chanced sight of the word, because it doesnt bloom in front me every now and then contrary to popular beliefs, reminds me of Sarah McLachlan's soprano voice, where she effortlessly and so smoothly, like caramel, lived out those notes like dew in the "morning sky", innocent and spirited, almost spiritual.
The song's atmospheric arrangement, with the backing vocals hazed out, hinted at the whispers and voices in our heads, where fear most often sprang from uncertainty and doubt, confusion and conflict.
And then at the end, because like anything else, it has to end. And then i realise, that in songs, i am exorcising myself and whatever fragments of it that needs mending.
"But I fear, I have nothing to give. I have so much to lose here in this lonely place, tangled up in our embrace. There's nothing I like better than to fall."
The Cardigans - My Favourite Game
In sec 1, I heard this song and saw the MV.
the very sight of a tatooed Nina Pearson, driving along to this song, uninhibited, with the wind blowing in her face and the smell of open air, together with that liberating sense of freedom that comes along with it, I recognise. And i worship that immunity from everything else except living in that moment.
in that mad rush there is a cathartic release of pent up emotions. The song narrates the anger and frustrations from possibly a very fresh breakup, and later in the chorus turned soft and mellow (don't we all contradict ourselves so beautifully sometimes) before that repetitive yet incredibly hooky beat explodes in your head once again.
a cautionary tale against speed driving? sure it is. But every now and then, the incredible hook resurfaces in my mind everytime i travel, or am in some high-speed drive. The feeling is incredible, and the release even better.
I wonder what songs people have in their heads, when they're walking, waiting for train, or in the middle of a conversation that they're out of. I have a song in my head most of the time. Do you?
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