My first solemnisation. It wasnt as sacred an affair as I had expected: children were free to run amok, released by disrespectful parents, who probably after their own solemnisation saw no meaning out of it given their present marriage. To me, it was a romantic moment when the groom held the bride's hand out of his initiative when reciting the vows.
The wedding was a very simplistic affair. At 5pm we then went to Ice Cold Bs at SMU for beer and Wii while waiting for dinner to begin. It was a small dinner - 4 tables at Yan's Palace, Hong Lim Complex. It lacked the costume changes, the 4-tier wedding cake that will eventually get thrown away, the farcical and usually badly edited/scored ppt slides and videos, the annoying yum-seng, and the commercial money-laundering table photos and 5-star hotel dinner. Instead, we had the best bonding over KTV and a nice meal. They didnt have to go through all the troubles of putting on a show, and we didnt have to pretend to be happy. We shared the best family dinner with lots of fun, even more so than chinese new year routines, and the no-frills simplicity of it made me abhor the wedding machine even more. I got to know my aunts and cousins better, so that beats any 10 course dinner with tons of shark fins.
The extravagance. The farce. Wedding in Singapore is rarely what it's meant to be, but instead has become a business almost. First the house, then the wedding, then the cars and babies and investment in children, blah blah blah.
Sometimes simplicity is the best way to go.

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