Friday, July 03, 2009


I learnt a new word today: "花生骚" means "fashion show" in cantonese. It's also the title for a duet between 王菲 and 梅艳芳.

Perhaps it was MJ's departure, that got me in the mood for reminiscing. 3 days after he left, I picked up a 梅艳芳 cd for the second/third time, and I fell for her. The low timbre in her voice, I realise, was unlike anything I've heard before, and for the first time, I'm a fan. The duets album I was listening to, "With", featured a song with Leslie Cheung. After youtubing the live concert video, I smiled, and then sighed. The chemistry and the friendship was evident and electrifying. The lack of such artistry, such boldness, class, stage presence, and such beauty in today's music industry is truely a pity.

While some legends were born, some need time to materialise. 20 years from now, whose death will ignite the same post-death frenzy, be it the tribute or tabloid-worthy kind, that MJ has?

I'm guessing Madonna will live to a ripe old age, and we probably will reminisce and mourn, but probably not obsess over. We peobably wont be curious over the will, nor who custody of the children go to.

I guess in the hearts of true fans, they never truely die. They live on in memory. May Leslie, Anita, and MJ live on forever.

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