"Singapore: first world country on the outside, third world country on the inside. and the government up our backside."
from his first trademark "AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH" as he descends down tt Elizabethan hanger with tt Queen E corset, i had an idea it was goona be great. caught Kumar the Queen with Quin + Eunice. it's drop dead hilarious itellyou. we got cheap cheap $27 bucks student price. it was eighth-tenth funny, one-tenth being curtain call and one-tenth being costume changes. and itellyou, she changes damn fast! i mean, HE. China. Thailand. India. UK. London. Africa. Brazil. Singapore. damn good figure tt beats everyone else's. dancing in stilettos. gyrating. cannibalism. ganges river. racist jokes. indian movies. tons of MM Lee jokes. no real plot. could have been tighter at points. funny accents. topless guys and sexy girls. lip-sync. lots of dance. lots of smoke. lots of laugh.
lots of laugh.
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