Happy National Day!!!
me hanwei szechao quijie went to Marina Bay to celebrate National Day. i must be silly to ask them, and they must be crazy to follow, because the whole thing was one huge mashing session. it was so crowded! everyone was there for the fireworks. Sporeans are such suckers for fireworks (me included). i tot this yr's fireworks wld be spectacular spectacular with water works and all. but it was sorta sama sama like last yr thou.
anyways, the "best thing" was that the whole road linkin to One Fullerton was filled with expatriates. they formed a human wall across the whole railing, climbing on to it and holding on to each other, butt to butt cheek to cheek, arms across arms, clinching and arm-tangled, totally blockin the views of everyone else. we were literally "in the dark". 8 out of 10 r expatriates. hows that for food-for-thought! they're not even Sporeans! so of cos everyone started bitching bout them and all, some screams ensue and some threats of bashing were exchanged, until i felt guilty when a man behind says "they build the houses u live in."
then i went silent.
so here's the human wall. but i love peace. so i wish them all the best la. i shant bitch in case i get sued. BLABLABLA! boo hoo.
oh and we caught 881 after tt with susan bee lixin!!! fantastic movie! all sporeans sld watch! "600" totally stole the whole show away. how's dat for a kick-ass National Day huh!
a funny nat day vid
my virgin trip to SJP kicked ass. though down with the flu, i learnt wat it felt like to work hard play hard. we ordered jugs of drinks, made friends with the cute bartender who helped us with extra doses of alcohol, met Zhen Hui who treated us to Martini green tea, and danced till i wanted to puke. i lost my voice at the end of the night. taking the first bus home after roti prata was such a drag, but who cares! to be decadent and wasted for once, it sure feels good. *grins
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