me: so wat have u chosen
sis: dunno leh.
me: choose dancing la.
sis: don't want la! it's only for ppl with talent.
me: so wat did u put as first choice?
sis: business. u think i can go engineerin with poor physics?
me: (dumbstruck) i dunno. maybe. pick arts la.
sis: dont want la. won't earn money here.
me: thankfully not everyone thinks the way you do.
the above wasnt verbatim, but it's an accurate conversation we had regarding her post A level choices.
one of the many fine examples how different i am from my sister.
i almost wanted to ask her: so why do u tink i'm doin arts, but i refrained.
my sis has been the orthodox one since young. never truely gone thru the whole teenage-angst phase, never an ah-lian wannabe tryin to defy the regiments of sch like tuckin in ya shirt and tying up ya hair. the goody-two-shoe, i wld say. she got AAD for A levels, and a B4 for GP, way better than my DOB hahhaahhha. i'm happy for her that she is spoilt for choices now. back then i didnt have much choices to choose from. so in a way it can be a blessing to not know what u want. you dont necessarily have to know right from the start what you want. so now she doesnt really know what she wants. and after discussing further, she revealed that she wana do smthin management related, like tourism and hospitality. she told me she can specialise that in Business (which i know nuts about), so that's gonna be her first choice.
back to how different we are. well, for starters, she's into the whole k-drama/taiwan idol drama thing, which i really am not a huge fan of. the whole sappy thing jus doesnt stir much interest. and she's a sucker for love stories. very typical teenage idol-chases, likes Wilbur and Takuya Kimura.
the few common tv we share, prob Desperate Housewives and Project Superstar.
she's short-sighted since young, i have perfect eyesight (something i'm proud of).
she's a heavy sleeper like dad, doesnt get up till 1pm unless necessary. i cant sleep past 11pm unless necessary.
and of cos she's more hardworkin than me.
i spent my sunday catchin up on tv shows and makin a trip back to my work place to return some stuff.after tt had late dinner with EC after knowing he's workin at JP today.
workin with Ash, my sup, has such a drastic effect. i jus realised it of late. nowadays i've been running ard various outlets. wherever needs me, i'll be there. just for this month or so. i've been to JP,TB,HG. and whenever i see some bad display of goods, i cant stand it. it's like a disease Ash has spreaded to me, you know, the cant-sit-still, always have to find something to do spirit in every CP staff.
esp after the trip to JP jus now, i'm totally irked with the display over there. and the hygiene is terrible. terribly dusty. so tml i'm gonna be doin some spring cleaning and shifting of goods.
and it's one of these days where i reminisce my old colleagues. no one to go smokin breaks with, and just to catch the splendid view of the mrt and beyond from the level 6 carpark. no one to tell me jokes bout Paris Hilton and bad customers. i cant really be influential in the way these people have. most of the time i jus try to be myself, and hope that some of my "spirit", or whatever i have in me, wld rub off on these people and we'd develop a great workin relationship. recently, i find myself tryin to get close to people. it's this desire to want to make something significant out of what we have. this job can only give me so much stimulation: groovy beats, pretty pinups, free posters and movies and music. beyond that, i'm a hungry beast. i need more than these.
but then again i cannot imagine myself quitting just yet. although i've seriously indulged in the idea, and got close to it a few times. but maybe a while more.
so this is the love-hate relationship i have with my job.
see even i am bored with bloggin about work.
a good movie i caught recently: An Inconvenient Truth.
i truely think EVERYONE should catch the movie. in spite of the "self-righteousness" and indulgence of Al Gore like wat Susan said, i still think the bigger message is more important than anything else. i dun deny i find it abit anti-Bush and anti-politics (i've been thinking, "Bush" has gotta be the BIGGEST celebrity/name of ourgeneration. his family name pops by EVERYWHERE). but this is a film about the state our planet is in, and how climate changes can change everything in 50 yrs time. global warmin will cause the ice in Antartica and Greenland to melt and cause major floods all over the globe. Singapore will be submerged. Polar bears will drown (one of the most horrifying images for me in the movie). coral reefs will discolour.
so the message is simple, yet like all docu-films, they shock you with the facts. everyone sld watch jus to be aware of the issue and how we sld change our way of living. this is a situation that can improve. we dont want our future generations to suffer, do we?
during the movie, i had a very morbid thought: the human race is goin to be extinct one fine day. we're all goin to die, just like the dinosaurs and the ice age before us. something else will take over in its place. one of the images show how earth is really jus a tiny pixel in the vast universe. and at that moment, everything else just seem so minute.
i'm being undulgent. here's some quotes to leave u with.
"There are good people in politics in both parties, who hold this at arm's length, because if they acknowledge it and recognise it then the moral imperative to make big changes is inescable" - the line before the opening title appears, which i thought was very well-put what the title means.
"what gets us into trouble
is not what we don't know
it's what we know for sure
that just ain't so"
-Mark Twain
"The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to its end. In it's place we are entering a period of consequences"
-Sir Winston Churchill (Nov 12, 1936)
(the wonders of dvd and the pause button)