Monday, December 18, 2006

Just got back from Ting's 21st bday party at aloha changi. it was so farrrrrrrrr. and it was pouring. here's some pics. i love the backdrop.

me, Ben, Chao, Chong. ben has lost so much weight he's my idol now. kind him even sent us to bukit panjang, albeit the numbness of various body parts due to 4 guys crammed into the backseat.

celebreated Ash bday yesterday. the usual ktv routine till 3am, chatted till 4am after. woke up at 12.30 and went town to meet Shawn.

the ladies

"not happy to get the shoe and g-string isit!?!'

yesterday also marks one of the last few times i'll be seeing Mosquito. well, not actually. just that i wont see her as much cos she's quitting boo hoo. partin is such sweet sorrow. without her there is officially no one to take the pressure off the incessant ki-ki-kio from "someone", no one to laugh with me and tell me lame jokes and funny ppl, no one to share lunch and give me leftover fries or drinks, no one to film Hong Ru dancing, no one to talk to. i am officially the most familiar thing i know. i wonder how long i can last.

the gang. i laughed so hard at the hawker after tt my jaw felt tired. we were reminiscing about jeff largely, and it just cracks me up larrr. it also "inspired" me and Shawn to go spy on Jeff today, but he wasnt working. we wonder how he managed to survive. and we joked that mayb he got chased away again. boo hoo evil.

my xmas present from: ash, Siang, Jiahui. i love JH's chain!

i'm feeling very blue today. perhaps its the weather.

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