While reading Colbie Caillat's CD sleeve, the message on it's last page could not have been more resonant and timely for what I'm feeling and going through recently:
"Hi. These songs are about growing up, experiencing life, love, making mistakes, and learning from them. I recently learned something about myself. For a lot of us, when life gets hard to deal with and keep up with, it becomes easier to give up on and let go of. I found myself doing that alot and I was slowly falling apart. But... I woke up from it. I realized I wasn't happy settling for less or letting myself become someone I wasn't supposed to be due to laziness. I had to Breakthrough my fears, my insecurities and my self doubt. There are so many batt;es that we all have to go through in life that are for us to learn from; we grow strong from them. I just learned this. I want to remind myself and everyone out there that we have to Breakthrough all the little things we tell ourselves we can't do because we are scared, and just step up and do them. This record is about becoming the person you want to be, having will power and letting nothing hold you back. So try not to let great things pass you by, start making things happen that you really want in life! I hope these words help you, if you are in need of them..."
This is the reason why people make records. This, as well as global domination.
These are very simple words, and probably something that everyone knows. However, sometimes we just need that bit of reminder, that gentle push, that wake-up call, for us to gain perspective and to see it from another angle.
I was looking at the drawings from Bec's recent painting trip. It suddenly dawned on me that I wouldnt know what to draw. That's the extent of my draught. I need some creative juices. Soon. Fast.
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