XJ's bday at minds cafe - 170508

- i nv thought i'd like Duffy's music. it all sounds very tryin-hard-to-fill-Amy's-shoes, thou the style is slightly different. but i've grown to accept and identify with her songs.
- i believe things happen for a reason, but that thought scares the shit out of me when the reason is something undesirable. i believe tt there is a timely sign for watchin The Bridges of Madison County now.
i'm currently watchin the movie. i've yet to finish, but i hope the movie makes me cry. Clint Eastwood movies unravel like a slowburn tt builds u up, so high, only to rip u apart. like Million Dollar Baby. predictable, conventional, yet so effective.
In the movie, Meryl Streep is sick of her life. so when her family went to the city, leaving her alone in her house, she met a National Geographic photographer that would forever change her. IN 4 DAYS.
amazing how someone can find life in 4 days, and in tt 4 days forever change her views.
i paraphrase Clint Eastwood, that if u see change as the only constant, it might become a comfort because it is something u can count on.
- i cant wait to watch INTO THE WILD next.
- i cant wait to catch INDIANA JONES (cos of Cate Blanchett) and SATC (sex and the city).
- i need to plan my tv calendar. lotsa new shows. pushing dasies, dirty sexy money, 30 ROCKS!!!
- i quote QJ who quote Susan: 'growing up is only about learning how to let go'
- 2 qns on my mind these few days: "what do i want to bring with me to my grave?", and "if i were stuck on an island, what are the things that i want with me?"
- i am devastated that the Faye Wong box set is sold out in China town and HMV. when weiquan ask me if i still like Faye Wong, (he seldom even talks to me), i told him, "always and forever."
- i'm feelin nostalgic (and random), so i posted a rather excessive amt of old photos.
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