regardless of the simplistic lyrics and seemingly cheesy song title, this song is actually pretty sad. i love this song. i think Ivana is one of the more underrated singers. her canto albums are great, and her first chi album tt was recently released is a must-have. wats with the rage about Joanna Wong when Ivana sld be the one hitting the big league.
one of my fav songs fr her
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
American Idol 7 Season Finale
“Season seven will be remembered for that kid with the stage father who may or may not (as of this writing) have cost his son the title. It is the season when everyone thought an Irish girl with a failed CD just might be pimped to death by the show but in the end was never given a break. It was the season of guitars, pianos and yes, a ukelele. A season of forgotten lyrics. A season with iTunes. A season of an ill-advised mosh pit and useless Q&A sessions. And yet another season in which Paula Abdul upstaged the contestants for all the wrong reasons. In the end, it may be a season in which “American Idol” turned the corner and ultimately became the search for and selling of a rock star.” -
yet another season of idol has ended. my jan-may weekly 1hr fix of pure entertainment flew by just. like. that.
this season i haven been bloggin much. perhaps it reflects my enthusiasm for the ratings juggernaut. of cos there were times when i was genuinely excited about a budding singer, only to realise that their hopes and dreams were dashed as quickly as Paula is uttering gibberish. the joy of watchin idol is rooting for someone u truely believe in. Amanda got me very excited because she was edgy and different. David Hernandez looked very promising at first. Carly "blackbird"-ed the way to my hearts with tt soaring rendition. and of cos, david C's ALWAYS BE MY BABY will always be the epitome of risk-taking and idol-ingenuity.
and then there was Archie's IMAGINE.
i was never a hardcore archie/cook fan, until today. ARCHIE FINALLY ROSE TO THE CHALLENGE. he proved why he was there. he made my eyes watery 3 times thruout the night. i think the last time i felt so much was when Fantasia sang I BELIEVE. tonight, he made me root for him. what a landslide.
Cook was at a disadvantage as:
a) his idol-winning composition was a rock ditty, not the stereo-typical "hope, fly, dreams, moments" soaring and melodious pop song.
b) he lost all the edge he built by not doin a unique cover, or showing his more sensative side. cook was not extreme tonight. (simon's harsh critique didnt help either)
c) against archie, his vocals were proving to be weak. and tackling a U2 song to start the show might have killed him some votes. BONO leh. not noob.
something must be goin wrong when half way thru david's third song, i thought he would do better without the competition. it was a jason-castro moment: like he didnt belong there because tt is not the kinda music tt is on idol. all along, my problem has been "we've already had Daughtry. why do we need Cook?"
however, i do hope cook becomes real big. he deserves it and has earned his way.
IDOL IDOL IDOL. i peaked my excitement at the right time. its the best show on earth, and tonight's finale has been the best and most exciting in recent memory (NIKON THEATRE! STUNNING!)highlight of the past 2 week! hot molten hot!
yet another season of idol has ended. my jan-may weekly 1hr fix of pure entertainment flew by just. like. that.
this season i haven been bloggin much. perhaps it reflects my enthusiasm for the ratings juggernaut. of cos there were times when i was genuinely excited about a budding singer, only to realise that their hopes and dreams were dashed as quickly as Paula is uttering gibberish. the joy of watchin idol is rooting for someone u truely believe in. Amanda got me very excited because she was edgy and different. David Hernandez looked very promising at first. Carly "blackbird"-ed the way to my hearts with tt soaring rendition. and of cos, david C's ALWAYS BE MY BABY will always be the epitome of risk-taking and idol-ingenuity.
and then there was Archie's IMAGINE.
i was never a hardcore archie/cook fan, until today. ARCHIE FINALLY ROSE TO THE CHALLENGE. he proved why he was there. he made my eyes watery 3 times thruout the night. i think the last time i felt so much was when Fantasia sang I BELIEVE. tonight, he made me root for him. what a landslide.
Cook was at a disadvantage as:
a) his idol-winning composition was a rock ditty, not the stereo-typical "hope, fly, dreams, moments" soaring and melodious pop song.
b) he lost all the edge he built by not doin a unique cover, or showing his more sensative side. cook was not extreme tonight. (simon's harsh critique didnt help either)
c) against archie, his vocals were proving to be weak. and tackling a U2 song to start the show might have killed him some votes. BONO leh. not noob.
something must be goin wrong when half way thru david's third song, i thought he would do better without the competition. it was a jason-castro moment: like he didnt belong there because tt is not the kinda music tt is on idol. all along, my problem has been "we've already had Daughtry. why do we need Cook?"
however, i do hope cook becomes real big. he deserves it and has earned his way.
IDOL IDOL IDOL. i peaked my excitement at the right time. its the best show on earth, and tonight's finale has been the best and most exciting in recent memory (NIKON THEATRE! STUNNING!)highlight of the past 2 week! hot molten hot!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
xiaojun's bday / dim sum with SH colleagues
dim sum buffet - 160508

XJ's bday at minds cafe - 170508


- i nv thought i'd like Duffy's music. it all sounds very tryin-hard-to-fill-Amy's-shoes, thou the style is slightly different. but i've grown to accept and identify with her songs.
- i believe things happen for a reason, but that thought scares the shit out of me when the reason is something undesirable. i believe tt there is a timely sign for watchin The Bridges of Madison County now.
i'm currently watchin the movie. i've yet to finish, but i hope the movie makes me cry. Clint Eastwood movies unravel like a slowburn tt builds u up, so high, only to rip u apart. like Million Dollar Baby. predictable, conventional, yet so effective.
In the movie, Meryl Streep is sick of her life. so when her family went to the city, leaving her alone in her house, she met a National Geographic photographer that would forever change her. IN 4 DAYS.
amazing how someone can find life in 4 days, and in tt 4 days forever change her views.
i paraphrase Clint Eastwood, that if u see change as the only constant, it might become a comfort because it is something u can count on.
- i cant wait to watch INTO THE WILD next.
- i cant wait to catch INDIANA JONES (cos of Cate Blanchett) and SATC (sex and the city).
- i need to plan my tv calendar. lotsa new shows. pushing dasies, dirty sexy money, 30 ROCKS!!!
- i quote QJ who quote Susan: 'growing up is only about learning how to let go'
- 2 qns on my mind these few days: "what do i want to bring with me to my grave?", and "if i were stuck on an island, what are the things that i want with me?"
- i am devastated that the Faye Wong box set is sold out in China town and HMV. when weiquan ask me if i still like Faye Wong, (he seldom even talks to me), i told him, "always and forever."
- i'm feelin nostalgic (and random), so i posted a rather excessive amt of old photos.
XJ's bday at minds cafe - 170508

- i nv thought i'd like Duffy's music. it all sounds very tryin-hard-to-fill-Amy's-shoes, thou the style is slightly different. but i've grown to accept and identify with her songs.
- i believe things happen for a reason, but that thought scares the shit out of me when the reason is something undesirable. i believe tt there is a timely sign for watchin The Bridges of Madison County now.
i'm currently watchin the movie. i've yet to finish, but i hope the movie makes me cry. Clint Eastwood movies unravel like a slowburn tt builds u up, so high, only to rip u apart. like Million Dollar Baby. predictable, conventional, yet so effective.
In the movie, Meryl Streep is sick of her life. so when her family went to the city, leaving her alone in her house, she met a National Geographic photographer that would forever change her. IN 4 DAYS.
amazing how someone can find life in 4 days, and in tt 4 days forever change her views.
i paraphrase Clint Eastwood, that if u see change as the only constant, it might become a comfort because it is something u can count on.
- i cant wait to watch INTO THE WILD next.
- i cant wait to catch INDIANA JONES (cos of Cate Blanchett) and SATC (sex and the city).
- i need to plan my tv calendar. lotsa new shows. pushing dasies, dirty sexy money, 30 ROCKS!!!
- i quote QJ who quote Susan: 'growing up is only about learning how to let go'
- 2 qns on my mind these few days: "what do i want to bring with me to my grave?", and "if i were stuck on an island, what are the things that i want with me?"
- i am devastated that the Faye Wong box set is sold out in China town and HMV. when weiquan ask me if i still like Faye Wong, (he seldom even talks to me), i told him, "always and forever."
- i'm feelin nostalgic (and random), so i posted a rather excessive amt of old photos.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
28th JJC Students' Council Investiture
for the first time in nearly 3 years, i went back to JJC today for the 28th Students' Council Investiture.
so much has changed since my JC days. the college looks so commercialise now. everything is elaborate and extensive. there's a fountain, synthetic grass, entrepreneur-like stalls selling ice-cream and stuff, a seeming travel-agency tt plans overseas trips, a lounge of sorts, etc etc. and i didnt even have time to explore the 3rd and 4th level at the new building-extension.
apparently i'm the only one from my batch. i went back with a group of juniors one year younger, and they came out in full force: i think there were 7 of them. and then there were some of the younger ones as well.
not being in the council for a few years made me realise how, for lack of a better word, silly things were those days.till today, these remain: the cheesy walk-in music tt till now revolves around Bond and some grand music from movie soundtracks. the walk-in from the sides, slower the better. the unconscious desire to play soppy music. the serious looks of everyone on stage. the abrupt cut in music. the poor PA technical assistance.

yes, i was skeptical and mocking the procedings. i joked about the P's entrance, and how everyone needs to "rise for the arrival", only to see alot of very random ppl walk in before him, and i casually joked tt he's got a big entourage nowadays(yes, everyone likes to make fun of the principal). but i was thoroughly respectful of the ceremony (not that there's any kind of formal respect needed). i recognised how the outgoing batch must have felt on that stage, feeling a sense of relief, yet unwilling to let go of the most familiar thing they've had since J1. i was respectful of the college song and sang loud and proud.
there's something very social about goin back to college. goin back with long hair felt like i'm attracting more unfounded attraction. like, duh, get over it, just cos i have long hair doesnt mean
a) i look worse
b) i'm tryin to be a lame F4 wannabe/poser
c) i'm an ah-beng
d) i have bad sense of style.
yea i feel insecure about my hair la but screw all who thinks this way. ha. "why ya hair so long!"
i wanted to say "oh cos i'm out of sch and i'm cool"
but anyways, what i really wanted to say is that i'm glad the bee hoon auntie is stilla round after all these years!!!!!!!!!! yeahh!!!!!!! those who've seen my "mee-fen poster boy" pic from friendster sld know that mee-fen was my MUST HAVE STAPLE FOOD durin college days. i religiously eat it almost every single day. it's like a pilgrimage, chilli strictly not included. and i'm glad the over-priced veg rice and the chicken rice family are still there.
and i am very glad to see my juniors. the welfare committee is goin very strong and we came out with a bang today: a record breaking 6 batch of welfare heads, including me, were back to witness the investiture. from the 22nd batch to the latest 28th batch ( see pic 3). i am proud to be a Welfarian. jess was telling me, when the incoming head asked jess what is the secret of being a welfare head, jess immpediately recounted the incidences we had buffet and how the welface comm will be so considerate and eco-friendly (ha!) to keep all the remainin forks, spoons, plates, and napkins after a refreshment. yea. tt's what jess said. i am not embarrassed at all tt my kiasu legacy has been passed down. in fact it touches me to see tt the welfare committee is doin so well. i even met a few Commonwealthians at JJC and am glad Shiva and celisse is in council. i dun actually know celisse but she recognised me fr prom, so yea. =)

and i finally spoke to Ms Lai. she was my civic tutor then. before goin i contemplated bringing our class photo along, just in case she forgot who i am or if she cant recognise me with the hair. surprisingly, she still does =) we had a longer-than -expected chat, from teaching to how everyone else is doin. Ms Lai has been teaching for many years and i've always respected her for her dedication and her understanding of us as students. she accepted us for being art students, and thou my class didnt do well for A lvl, she was cool with it. there wasnt any "i told u so" or disappointment, just very cool acceptance of who we are. every year since i graduated i've been wanting to go abck on teachers' day to visit her. but sadly i was either boged down by work or stuff. this year, i'm making it a point to go back. with a present.

oh, and Mr Mathai is no longer HOD maths. i asked Ms Lai if it's considered a demotion, she said, very politically, that he's "giving up his place for the younger ones". yea. she said the teaching world is cruel.
so that's the highlights from my trip.
i miss my college days. after today's trip, i feel tt me and Mr Ng cant be more different. in a way, i am more unorthodox and he goes for the elaborate. workin for jj prom sld be interestin.
i told Ms Lai that i wish i had done better, but i have no regrets with the way things turned out. "we shall not stay nor linger", tt's one line fr the college song. i wished tt back then i had the foresight to see beyond my years and beyond my peers. even now, that's what i'm tryin to achieve. i wished that i'd done more for the college and for myself. that period of self-discovery was wasted on uneventful matters that were done in a teenager's fit of the moment. but regret's regret. we can onli look past them. so at 23, if u ask me what i have done with my life, i cant really say. i've done good and i've done bad. i haven live enogh tt's for sure. i believe the day i answer tt qns might be the day i stop living. but i'm at peace with myself. totally.
so much has changed since my JC days. the college looks so commercialise now. everything is elaborate and extensive. there's a fountain, synthetic grass, entrepreneur-like stalls selling ice-cream and stuff, a seeming travel-agency tt plans overseas trips, a lounge of sorts, etc etc. and i didnt even have time to explore the 3rd and 4th level at the new building-extension.
apparently i'm the only one from my batch. i went back with a group of juniors one year younger, and they came out in full force: i think there were 7 of them. and then there were some of the younger ones as well.
not being in the council for a few years made me realise how, for lack of a better word, silly things were those days.till today, these remain: the cheesy walk-in music tt till now revolves around Bond and some grand music from movie soundtracks. the walk-in from the sides, slower the better. the unconscious desire to play soppy music. the serious looks of everyone on stage. the abrupt cut in music. the poor PA technical assistance.
yes, i was skeptical and mocking the procedings. i joked about the P's entrance, and how everyone needs to "rise for the arrival", only to see alot of very random ppl walk in before him, and i casually joked tt he's got a big entourage nowadays(yes, everyone likes to make fun of the principal). but i was thoroughly respectful of the ceremony (not that there's any kind of formal respect needed). i recognised how the outgoing batch must have felt on that stage, feeling a sense of relief, yet unwilling to let go of the most familiar thing they've had since J1. i was respectful of the college song and sang loud and proud.
there's something very social about goin back to college. goin back with long hair felt like i'm attracting more unfounded attraction. like, duh, get over it, just cos i have long hair doesnt mean
a) i look worse
b) i'm tryin to be a lame F4 wannabe/poser
c) i'm an ah-beng
d) i have bad sense of style.
yea i feel insecure about my hair la but screw all who thinks this way. ha. "why ya hair so long!"
i wanted to say "oh cos i'm out of sch and i'm cool"
but anyways, what i really wanted to say is that i'm glad the bee hoon auntie is stilla round after all these years!!!!!!!!!! yeahh!!!!!!! those who've seen my "mee-fen poster boy" pic from friendster sld know that mee-fen was my MUST HAVE STAPLE FOOD durin college days. i religiously eat it almost every single day. it's like a pilgrimage, chilli strictly not included. and i'm glad the over-priced veg rice and the chicken rice family are still there.
and i am very glad to see my juniors. the welfare committee is goin very strong and we came out with a bang today: a record breaking 6 batch of welfare heads, including me, were back to witness the investiture. from the 22nd batch to the latest 28th batch ( see pic 3). i am proud to be a Welfarian. jess was telling me, when the incoming head asked jess what is the secret of being a welfare head, jess immpediately recounted the incidences we had buffet and how the welface comm will be so considerate and eco-friendly (ha!) to keep all the remainin forks, spoons, plates, and napkins after a refreshment. yea. tt's what jess said. i am not embarrassed at all tt my kiasu legacy has been passed down. in fact it touches me to see tt the welfare committee is doin so well. i even met a few Commonwealthians at JJC and am glad Shiva and celisse is in council. i dun actually know celisse but she recognised me fr prom, so yea. =)
and i finally spoke to Ms Lai. she was my civic tutor then. before goin i contemplated bringing our class photo along, just in case she forgot who i am or if she cant recognise me with the hair. surprisingly, she still does =) we had a longer-than -expected chat, from teaching to how everyone else is doin. Ms Lai has been teaching for many years and i've always respected her for her dedication and her understanding of us as students. she accepted us for being art students, and thou my class didnt do well for A lvl, she was cool with it. there wasnt any "i told u so" or disappointment, just very cool acceptance of who we are. every year since i graduated i've been wanting to go abck on teachers' day to visit her. but sadly i was either boged down by work or stuff. this year, i'm making it a point to go back. with a present.
oh, and Mr Mathai is no longer HOD maths. i asked Ms Lai if it's considered a demotion, she said, very politically, that he's "giving up his place for the younger ones". yea. she said the teaching world is cruel.
so that's the highlights from my trip.
i miss my college days. after today's trip, i feel tt me and Mr Ng cant be more different. in a way, i am more unorthodox and he goes for the elaborate. workin for jj prom sld be interestin.
i told Ms Lai that i wish i had done better, but i have no regrets with the way things turned out. "we shall not stay nor linger", tt's one line fr the college song. i wished tt back then i had the foresight to see beyond my years and beyond my peers. even now, that's what i'm tryin to achieve. i wished that i'd done more for the college and for myself. that period of self-discovery was wasted on uneventful matters that were done in a teenager's fit of the moment. but regret's regret. we can onli look past them. so at 23, if u ask me what i have done with my life, i cant really say. i've done good and i've done bad. i haven live enogh tt's for sure. i believe the day i answer tt qns might be the day i stop living. but i'm at peace with myself. totally.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
i find it harder to blog nowadays. it's a vague sense of nihilism, that nothing is ever worth mentioning it seems.
so in a fit of the moment, i have decided to reflect what's in my head. No wonder this has remained one of my all-time fav albums.
词曲 王菲
夜风微凉 树摇月晃
云儿在飞 我在想
水流 花儿香
喜中带忧 暗中有光
怎么度 怎么量
田野 山岗
这世界看来很快乐 看不出难过 始终笑著沈默
你不慌不忙 你自然(而)坦荡 脱下了伪装 摘去了信仰
你不愿多说话 你想放纵一下 没甚么可怕 没甚么放心不下
痛苦地享乐 犹豫著堕落
左右不了诱惑 你才拒绝寂寞 你没有错 因为没有谁对谁过
心安理得 于是你堕落
来啊 来啊 我陪你 来啊 来啊 来啊 继续 继续
我没甚么可说 想不清后果 也不准备自责
我不慌不忙 自然(而)坦荡 绝望地逆流而上 甘心地自投罗网
没有别的想法 只想放纵一下 就当没发现 美好背后的虚假
敷衍著灵魂 勉强地挣扎
甚么也没错过 其实一无所获 谈不上失落 陶醉和麻醉交错
从这里开始 无意识地堕落
so in a fit of the moment, i have decided to reflect what's in my head. No wonder this has remained one of my all-time fav albums.
词曲 王菲
夜风微凉 树摇月晃
云儿在飞 我在想
水流 花儿香
喜中带忧 暗中有光
怎么度 怎么量
田野 山岗
这世界看来很快乐 看不出难过 始终笑著沈默
你不慌不忙 你自然(而)坦荡 脱下了伪装 摘去了信仰
你不愿多说话 你想放纵一下 没甚么可怕 没甚么放心不下
痛苦地享乐 犹豫著堕落
左右不了诱惑 你才拒绝寂寞 你没有错 因为没有谁对谁过
心安理得 于是你堕落
来啊 来啊 我陪你 来啊 来啊 来啊 继续 继续
我没甚么可说 想不清后果 也不准备自责
我不慌不忙 自然(而)坦荡 绝望地逆流而上 甘心地自投罗网
没有别的想法 只想放纵一下 就当没发现 美好背后的虚假
敷衍著灵魂 勉强地挣扎
甚么也没错过 其实一无所获 谈不上失落 陶醉和麻醉交错
从这里开始 无意识地堕落
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