this week's idol was a little irritating for me. although some contestants improved, i just wish some wld break out of their comfort zones. while i'm takin time off to get this off my chest by not doin my assignment for 20 mins, i have to say, the most exciting part for me was knowing that Kimberley Locke will be singing tml. =)=)=)

everyone is buzzing about David Cook at the moment. but he still hasnt won me over. he's been doin one too many obscure rock versions of good old classics, so much that it felt like he's tryin to trick the Americans into thinking that it's HIS own rock version! this week he picked the classic MICHAEL JACKSON song, BILLIE JEAN. EVERYONE. LOVES. THAT. SONG. and to sing that rock version, it gives ppl who might have missed Seacrest's small disclaimer the false impression that "wow, he can make that song rock?!" but the credit was not his. just like "the kid is not my son", as the song goes.
although i do give him credit for takin a potential risk, but still David Cook hasnt won me over with his rock credentials. AND he seems smug. i hate smugs.

i wish i can strangle DAVID ARCHULETA. huge potential. wasted on a theme park song. Simon was spot on. i sorta knew tt was coming. David A is proving to be the Melinda Doolittle of the season. started out as the strongest front-runner, then fizzled when it comes to top 12 week. at least Melinda still managed to dazzle and prove impeccable week-after-week, albeit without a vast breakthrough. but for david A, it felt like he's tryin to milk the teeney-boopey vote now by pickin that totally commercial and catchy song. yes, he's got millions of adoring teenage girls behind him. but at some point he's gotta come out and give tt classic idol moment in the reins of past winners, if he ever wana win. he needs to put on a coat, a tie, look smart, and give a CLASSIC CLASSY performance.

i thought Carly might come close to having her moment with TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE EHART. but she didnt. for me, Carly has the most potential to win. and most deservingly if it's purely based on singing(even thou she's a forsaken recording artist before). Carly needs to tery to be less fierce and more tender. it might just work for her.
TWISTY SEA MOOKS. smart song choice la. thou i CANNOT STAND that she is tryin so hard to milk it. when she said in her video that her siblings wld ask her to stop singing in the car, i secretly envision her havin a terrible performance and simon wld use tt video clip to prove the point. INSTEAD, tables were turned. oh well. Josh Gracin nailed tt song in season 2 and no one has done it since. i dun think it was gd, but it sld be gd to keep her 1 more week.
Ramiele. STUPID OR WHAT?!?!! to pick ALONE, a song Carrie Underwood OWNED with gusto is just idol-career suicide. Ramiele has done it for me. she's like a weaker Jasmine Trias with the same body movements and mouth movements week after week after week after week. yes. sweetness and tear ducts can onli bring u thus far girl. i see bottom 2 beckoning.

Michael Johns. can a non-queen song make u good?!?!?! i didnt like it still despite judges' props. u seem like u were struggling at some points. gd voice thou.
SYESHA. SHOCKIN! OMG. BEST IMPROVED. syesha can be the dark horse tt makes it into top 3 like Elliot and Kimberley! impressed.
Chekezie. ya defeated look after the performance might have just bought u ya ticket home =*(

Brooke white and Jason Castro. the guitar-strumming odd ones of the season. not ya usual idol stereotype with the big voice. still, they've proven to be evry endearing. Jason with his killer smile didnt nail FRAGILE. and it's getting irritatin cos i am still waiting to see him bloww but he is still so jack-johnson laidback!!!
Brooke i totally love. i think she might win it. love her song choice thou i was hopin she'd give it her own spin. still waiting for a GREAT performance thou.
at this point of the competition, all u need is a STANDOUT PERFORMANCE that will seal ya fate. i havent seen a standing ovation fr Randy in a long time. and i haven seen Simon give the seal of approval to anyone to certify their front-runner status. David C's come close with "just might win". none has had the Carrie-Underwood-you're-gonna-win-and-sell-more-records-than-any-other-artist, a Fantasia-master-class-in-singing-MAGIC! or a Jennifer Hudson-Latoya London standing ovation yet. it makes me miss the good ol' days. but heck. idol is idol. nothing is certain. u'll only know as well as the next tv-watching buddy.
watch these 2 and u'll see.
Carrie Underwood - Alone
Fantasia - Summertime. if u dun get the buzz bout it, watch the next vid of her winning performance of I Believe.