Wednesday, August 04, 2010


my first "letter of the month" is published in this month's AUGUST MAN magazine! zippeeeee! very very pleased that i won for myself a Kenneth Cole watch. =)

i really shouldnt be this happy, cos the more i read it, the less impressed i am with it. i thought the other two letter were somehow better: one had better language, while the other a more diverse viewpoint. i had a better opener i guess. or mayb i was just plain lucky. or mayb they realised tt i've been following them on facebook and twitter and wana award my new-found loyalty and keep me reading. hmmm.

in any case, the idea to write in came to me during shower, like most bright ideas. i donno whether this is some divine luck, or some great writing, but today, it made me happy and motivated. and the recent success of HCJC training brought back some confidence in me as well. so i guess, it's uphill from here i hope.

tomorrow will be the day towards progress, in which today's reward spurred.

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